




1.我的电话号码 ... Battery level 电池电量 My phone number 我的电话号码 Network 网络 ...

2.本机号码 ... battery level 电池电量 my phone number 本机号码 network 网络 ...


1."I managed to have 5 minutes [of] conversation with you, and I gave you my phone number, " he says.“我设计了一段五分钟的内容好跟你搭讪,然后给你我的手机号码,”他说。

2.This poor boy was crying, and then I, I gave him my phone number to see if he wanted to talk about his feepngs later.这可怜的小宝贝在哭,所以我把我的电话号码给他了。看他待会儿想不想倾诉一下。

3.Lisa: When I first met my husband, I offered him my phone number and told him to call me for a game of tennis.第一次和老公见面时,我告诉他我的电话号码并叫他打给我参加一场网球游戏。

4.He took my phone number and promised to invite me to dinner sometime.他问了我的电话号码,说以后会请我吃饭。

5.'My phone number was on one of the boards and I've had a few funny texts about that but I think they're jokes, not proper offers. '我把电话号码写在了其中一个牌子上,然后收到了几条很滑稽的短信,但我觉得那是他们在开玩笑,不是正八景儿的招工。

6.Diarmuid : All right. Let's give it a go. . . Hello, I'm Diarmuid. I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours instead?好的。这就去试试……你好,我是圣保罗。我好想忘记了我的电话号码。我能用你的代替下吗?

7.Maybe I should go around with pttle paper tabs to pull off with my phone number ready to give to every suitable guy I see.也许我应该随身携带小本子,这样一旦遇到我心仪的男子,就可以撕下一张写有我电话号码的纸递给他。

8.ask her to call Mary , she has my phone number.叫他打电话给玛丽,他有我的电话。

9.Please send your reply through this my email address and I shall send you my phone number as we progress.请发送你的答复,这是通过我的电子邮件地址,我会寄给你我的电话号码,为我们的进步。

10.I'm a new comer, so I don't have cards right now, but let me write down my name and my phone number for you.我是刚来的,还没有卡片,要不我先给你写上我的名字和联系电话吧。