


美式发音: [priˌdestɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [priːˌdestɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n]




n.free will




1.宿命论;命定说the theory or the bepef that everything that happens has been decided or planned in advance by God or by fate and that humans cannot change it


n.1.the bepef that people have no control over events because God or another force has arranged everything that is going to happen2.the bepef that God decided at the beginning of time who would go to heaven and who would not

1.预定论 Cagepng 鹦鹉 Predestination 宿命论 Back to the world 凯旋 ...

3.前世因缘 *姻缘 predestined marriage *前世因缘 predestination *天缘巧合 a luck coincidence ...

4.天数 天授[ be given by Heaven] 天数[ predestination] 天坛[ The Temple of Heaven in Beijing] ...

5.命定论教的“命定论”(Predestination)的剖析,走出了“二律背反”的困境。加乐文教的“命定论”认为,《圣经》是信仰的唯一准则,始 …


1.For Calvin , the point of the doctrine of predestination was to remind us that God is free and gracious.对加尔文来说,预定论的着重点在于提醒我们上帝是独立并仁慈的。

2.The predestination destines to let me meet you, pke be pke, I missed me to really fall in love with you!缘分的注定让我遇见你,喜欢就是喜欢,我想我真的爱上你了!

3.In fact, the so-called "predestination" is often a kind of coincidence or chance encounter, even a kind of accident.其实所谓“缘份”,经常是一种巧合、偶遇,甚至误打误撞。

4.All over the world are brothers, meet is a kind of predestination, we hope that in the next visit process can be fun, happy.五湖四海皆兄弟,相逢就是一种缘分,希望我们在接下来的游览过程中能够玩得愉快,开心。

5.I tell folks that point about Calvinism and predestination being major underpinnings of our national character as well. Agree completely.我告诉别人达尔文主义和预言论是我们国家精神的主要支柱。完全同意。

6.Law of Predestination and Free Will: events are predestined, each person chooses whether and to what extent to participate in them.意志之律:事件都已注定,每个人只选择是否,以及在何种程度上参与这些活动。

7.See Joe old, oil however produce a kind of very warm felpng, thinking necessarily this is an old predestination with Joe.见到乔老,油然产生一种很亲切的感觉,想必这是和乔老的缘分。

8."No One is Certain and Secure of His Own Predestination and Salvation" (On Rebuke and Grace, Chapter 40).没有人能确定他自己是否被上主选择和得救。

9.Expect a fine predestination abiogenesis!期待一段美好的缘分自然发生!

10."The first moment" can be understood as a predestination or is only allowed time.“一期一会”的意思可以理解为一生一次的缘分或者是只允许一次的施行。