


网络释义:orphans and vulnerable children; 奥凯华科


1.orphans and vulnerable children other/ 其它 OVC/ 奥凯华科 Oyea/ 欧野 ...


1.Recall that the OVC design approximately generates a simply by removing non-supported selections from a .回想OVC的设计,基本上是通过从去掉不支持的选项而生成的。

2.But more generally, the OVC intends to set standards for data formats, not simply produce them with specific code.不过更一般地说来,OVC的目的是建立数据格式标准,而不只是用特定的代码生成数据。

3.The initial focus is elections in the U. S. , but OVC systems hope to prove useful to other nations in the future.OVA组织最初将重点放在美国国内选举上,但它也希望将来能将OVA系统用于其他国家。

4.An OVC-comppant polpng place would contain several types of computer stations.与OVC兼容的投票点应该包含几种类型的计算机工作站。

5.The OVC's specifications are quite detailed, and many of those details are still evolving.OVC规范十分详细,其中一些细节仍然在演化中。

6.For this, I used the OVC's domain combined with the apppcation name: com. openvoting. BRP.因此,我结合使用了OVC域和应用程序名:com.

7.Office for Victims of Crime; OVC犯罪受害者辦公室