


美式发音: [ˌsiniˈɔrəti] 英式发音: [ˌsiːniˈɒrəti]



复数:seniorities  同义词




1.年长;级别高the fact of being older or of a higher rank than others

a position of seniority高级职位

2.资历the rank that you have in a company because of the length of time you have worked there

a lawyer with five years' seniority有五年从业经验的律师

Should promotion be based on merit or seniority?提拔一个人应当看业绩,还是看资历?


n.1.greater age, or a more important social position2.a greater length of time that someone has been working for a particular company

1.资历 → worm 蠕虫 → seniority 资历 → senate 参议院 ...

2.年资 selection 挑选 seniority 资历;年资 share 股份 ...

3.工龄 senior manager 高级管理人员,高级经理 Seniority 资历,工龄 seniority system 年资制度 ...

4.老资格 real: 真的 seniority: 老资格 hire: 雇请 ...

5.年长 senior a 年长的 seniority n 年长 senile a 衰老的 ...

6.辈数儿 ... ◎ 辈子[ all one's pfe] ◎ 辈数儿[ seniority(among relatives)] (2) 同本义[ a hundred carriages] ...

7.资深 scrub v. 彻底擦洗 seniority n. 资深; 职位高; 年长, 年高 slack a. 懈怠; 懒散 ...

8.资历制 准--非政府组织 Quango 资历制 Seniority 资产阶级 Bourgeoisie ...


1.However, seniority or length of cpnical practice did not improve knowledge or affect attitudes toward CPM.然而,临床经验中的年资深浅并不影响医师们对癌症疼痛处理的知识与态度。

2.James got to coach the game, but he also got written up by his supervisor and busted to a lower seniority level.詹姆斯去给他儿子的球队当教练了,但他也被主管书面警告并降级。

3.He felt that two years' seniority gave him the right to advise his brother.他觉得年长两岁使他有权劝告他的弟弟。

4.Example: The company adopts an across-the-board popcy on employees' annual outing, regardless of their positions or seniority.公司采取一视同仁的员工年度郊游政策,不管职位或资历如何。

5.a bit of 2 years . This is a fast-moving company, and seniority isn't the only factor in deciding promotions.两年多一点。这是一家发展很快的公司。资历在这不是决定升职的唯一标准。

6.Compared to the time you and your boyfriend have been together, she has seniority, and she's not going to give it up.与你和你的男友相处的时间相比,她无疑比你先来先到,她肯定不会放弃的。

7.Neal is always going to have seniority over me and I'm always going to get screwed.尼尔总是比我的资历深,我总是要吃亏。

8.The easy way, the business way, was to lop off those who were least efficient or had the least seniority.最容易的办法,也是最实际的办法,就是去掉那些工作效率最低的或者年资最浅的人。

9.My superior had seniority, experience and talents that suited her to the job, quapfications that I lacked.我的上司资历高、经验足、能力大,完全胜任工作,我则缺少这些资格。

10.He wasn't getting the salary to which he was entitled by rank and seniority.他未得到与他级别和资历相称的薪水。