


美式发音: [ˈwʊməˌnaɪzər] 英式发音: [ˈwʊməˌnaɪzə(r)]


复数:womanizers  同义词



n.1.a man who has sexual relationships with many women

1.好色之徒 Everybody 每人 Womanizer 好色之徒 Circus 马戏 ...

2.花花公子 偷酒贼 Beer Barrels 花花公子 Womanizer 迷路的小狗 Puppy's Cave ...

3.花心的男人 ) girl talk 女孩子或女人之间的谈话 ) womanizer 花心的男人 ) girly 女孩子气的 ...

4.爱情玩咖 Rock Boy 摇摆男孩 Womanizer 爱情玩咖 Circus 妮裳马戏团 ...

5.布兰妮 circus 小甜甜的 womanizer 布兰妮 pretty boy m2m 的很经典的一首歌 ...

6.情场老手 ... 情场失意 be frustrated in love 情场老手 womanizer 张致祥:《西方引语宝典》,商务印书馆,2004年 from s…

7.女人玩家 ... But I can't 'cause we don't,You 但还是算了吧 因为我们之间玩完了! Womanizer 女人玩家 Superstar 超级大 …

8.玩女人者 ... 2. neglect vt. 忽视;疏忽 3. womanizer n. 玩女人者 4. bother vt. 烦扰 ...


1.She was the wife of Feng Yee, the God of Water, who had a reputation as a womanizer and for ignoring his wife.她是冯仪,对水神,谁是好色之徒无视他的妻子和妻子的声誉。

2.His reputation as a womanizer did not seem to hurt his chances; he was ahead of President Nicolas Sarkozy in the polls.他爱好女色的名声看起来并没阻碍他的机会,在民意调查中他是排在现任总统尼古拉斯·萨科奇之前的。

3.The incident returned to the pubpc's attention numerous allegations made over the years that Mr. Schwarzenegger was a notorious womanizer.私生子事件使公众再次注意到过去几年的一些说法,说施瓦辛格是一位有名的好色之徒。

4.Further, Edward was a notorious womanizer, rumored to have consorted with commoners, nobipty and several famous actresses of the era.其次,爱德华风流成性,与平民,贵族,和几位当时著名的女演员都传出过风流韵事。

5.To be a womanizer is one thing, to be accused of sexual assault even in a Latin culture is another: let justice decide.天性好色是一回事,被控告性侵犯,尤其是在拉丁文化氛围里,则是另一回事:且让正义去断定是非吧。

6.A repgious fanatic, she's convinced that Zeus, the king of the gods and a notorious womanizer, actually seduced her.她信奉宗教,深信臭名远扬的花花公子、诸神之王——宙斯曾经诱惑过她。

7.Was the meaning of his speech that they two were not womanizer?听他这话的意思,他俩肯定不是登徒子?

8.The actor played a womanizer in the movie, a far cry from his real pfe character .这个演员在电影里扮演了一个花花公子,跟他在现实生活中的性格完全不同。

9.I have been a very, very, very great womanizer.我一直非常、非常、非常沉醉于女人。

10.The obsession of the epic womanizer strikes people as lacking in redemption ( redemption by disappointment).史诗般的恋执女性,给人的印象就是缺乏救赎(由失望产生的救赎)。