




1.看病 ※购物( Go Shopping) ※看病Seeing a Doctor) ※介绍他人( Introducing people…

2.看医生 Appointments 约会 Seeing A Doctor 看医生 Making A Phonecall 打电话 ...

3.就医 Sightseeing in Guangzhou 游览广州 Seeing a Doctor 就医 Sports 体育运动 ...

4.就诊 挂号 Registering „ 就诊 Seeing a Doctor „ 医院诊所 46 描述症状 Symptom Descriptions „ ...

5.生病就医 Lost Luggage 物品丢失 Seeing a Doctor 生病就医 Car Accidents 交通事故 ...

6.看病用语 ... Food 饮食/132 Seeing a Doctor 看病求医/136 Love and Marriage 爱情和 …


1.I can not see undertook judge for a while. I gave him the telephone, he said his stomach was not good and was seeing a doctor in hospital.承办法官我一时见不着面,我给承办法官电话,他说他肠胃不好,在医院看病。

2.Here, seeing a doctor is no longer a painful and troublesome thing, but a positive individual choice.在这里,看病不再是件痛苦而麻烦的事情,而是自己对未来生活的一种积极选择。

3.When seeing a doctor should better have most understands you to be taken bad when situation person accompanying.就诊时最好有最了解你发病时情况的人相伴。

4.Mrs Slavick said the couple considered seeing a doctor but bepeved the conditon had been "healthy" for Mr Slavick.Slavick太太说他们考虑过去看个医生,不过他们认为现在这种情况对Slavick先生来说是“健康的”。

5.Thus promotes its fairness, availabipty and efficiency, so as to reach the social concept of "everybody is equal to seeing a doctor" .从而大大提高医疗卫生服务的公平性、可及性和服务效率,实现“就医面前,人人平等”的社会构想。

6.Now I feel guilty for spending money on seeing a doctor if I get sick.可没当我生病的时候,我总会为要花钱看医生而感到内疚。

7.And the cold had plagued me for just three weeks in virtue of my delay of seeing a doctor.由于我的延误就医,那感冒苦恼我整整三个星期。

8.Take, asap, your child suffering from HFMD with symptoms of fever, skin rashes , etc. to a certified hospital for seeing a doctor.发现孩子发烧、有皮疹等症状,应尽快到正规医院就诊。

9.So now, after years of bitching, I'm finally seeing a doctor.现在,在扯了一年淡之后,我终于来找医生看病了。

10.Should you be addressing your chronic lack of energy by sleeping more, eating better or seeing a doctor?你是否应该通过多睡觉,改善饮食和看医生的办法来解决长期缺乏精力的状态?