

treasury secretary

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1.财政部长 Chief of Staff 办公室主任 Treasury Secretary 财政部长 energy secretary 能源 …

2.美国财政部长 spot price (期货中)现价 treasury secretary 财长 rundown 纲要 ...

4.财政大臣 trend n. 趋势 treasury secretary n. 财政大臣 disjunction n. 分裂 ...

5.财政部文官长雇员发放1.65亿美元天价奖金而引发的政治纷扰中,财政部长盖特纳(Treasury Secretary)正在被描述成坏蛋之一。

7.财政部部长 ... 国防部部长: Defense Secretary 财政部部长: Treasury secretary 劳工部部长: Secretary of Labor ...


1.In 1971, the US Treasury Secretary told the rest of the world it had to deal with a weak dollar.1971年,时任美国财长告诉世界其它地区,它们必须自行应对疲弱的美元。

2.On Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said 'the vast majority' of banks could be considered well-capitapzed.财政部长盖特纳(TimothyGeithner)周二说,绝大部分银行都可以被认为是资金充裕的。

3.Back in June, Timothy Geithner, the Treasury secretary, praised China's announcement that it would move to a more flexible exchange rate.早在六月,美国财长蒂莫西-盖特纳赞扬中国的公告,称其将转向更灵活的汇率。

4.That turned out to be a mistake. The new treasury secretary refused to put federal money anywhere but in the Bank of the United States.这次内阁改组犯了一个错误,这位新的财政部长拒绝把联邦政府的资金存放到别处,只存在美国银行中。

5.Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in an attempt to rebalance the global economy, are expected to be debated at the summit.美国财长提出的限制经常帐以平衡全球经济的提议,料在峰会上讨论。

6.Geithner said he'd remain Treasury secretary "as long as the president wants me to do it. "他表示,“只要总统让他做,他就会继续做财政部长。”

7.Now, Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary, seems to feel even the word "problem" is too scary.如今,美国财政部(Treasury)部长蒂姆•盖特纳(TimGeithner)似乎觉得连“问题”这个词都过于吓人了。

8.It is all beginning to look somewhat pke 2005, when the Treasury secretary was John Snow and George W. Bush was president.眼下的情势开始有点像2005年,当时的美国财长是约翰•斯诺(JohnSnow),总统是小布什(GeorgeW.Bush)。

9.Treasury Secretary Geithner told members of the Senate banking committee that economic recovery efforts are beginning to take effect.盖特纳财长告诉参议院银行委员会的成员们,政府为经济复苏所做出的努力正在发挥作用。

10.Yet the American treasury secretary's worker ants continue to draft financial reforms as if nothing were amiss.然而美国财政部部长的工蚁们(下属)仍在继续起草金融改革,好像没事出差错一样。