





7.世爵超跑 ... Dodge 道奇 Spyker 世爵超跑 Startech 吉普车【改装】 ...


1.Should the deal with Spyker fall through, Genii and partners remained at the ready to pursue talks with GM, Carlstrom said.他还表示,若与Spyker的交易失败,Genii和其合伙人仍准备寻求与通用汽车进行谈判.(完)

2.Spyker on Monday claimed that it had suffered "massive damages" as the result of what it claimed were unlawful actions on GM's part.世爵周一声称,由于其所称的通用汽车方面的非法行动,世爵已蒙受了“巨大的损失”。

3.Spyker said it had signed a memorandum of understanding on the tripartite deal, and that it was subject to regulatory approval.世爵表示,已就这项三方协议签署谅解备忘录,该交易仍需得到监管部门的批准。

4.In a complex deal, Spyker, a Dutch maker of sports cars, will now acquire the marque and save thousands of jobs at Saab's Swedish factories.在复杂的交易过后,世爵获得了萨博品牌,并挽救了萨博瑞典工厂的上千个工作岗位。

5.Midland's first race since the Spyker takeover proved to be disappointing.这是米德兰车队自世爵接手以来的第一场比赛,结果却是令人沮丧的。

6.Dutch luxury car maker Spyker Cars said on Monday it was working on a final offer for Saab assets and would file its bid by the deadpne.荷兰豪华车制造商SpykerCars周一表示,正在制定收购萨博资产的最终出价,且会在截止日期前提交.(完)

7.A spokesman for the Genii consortium said it was still interested in Saab but acknowledged Spyker was favourite.GeniiCapital收购财团的一位发言人表示,它对萨博仍感兴趣,但承认世爵受到通用的青睐。

8.About to give dipgence, spyker, food native pavipon, the city seven profession.以左右勤劳,赐爵原乡亭侯,食邑七百户,转行参军。

9.Spyker said on Thursday production would resume once fresh financing had been secured.世爵周四表示,一旦获得新的注资,萨博将恢复生产。

10.But in February he bought out the separate sports-car business that Spyker operated under its own name.而今年二月,他收购了世爵旗下独立运营的跑车业务。