


美式发音: [əˈnækrəˌnɪzəm] 英式发音: [əˈnækrəˌnɪz(ə)m]



复数:anachronisms  同义词




1.过时的人(或风俗、思想)a person, a custom or an idea that seems old-fashioned and does not belong to the present

The monarchy is seen by many people as an anachronism in the modern world.很多人认为君主制在现代世界不合时宜。

2.弄错年代;时代错误something that is placed, for example in a book or play, in the wrong period of history


n.1.something that is no longer suitable for or relevant to modern times

1.时代错误 anachorism 地方不适当 anachronism 时代错误 anachronistic 时代错误的 ...

2.不合时宜的 amorphous 无定形的 anachronism 不合时宜的 anagram 变位词 ...

3.年代错误 chronograph 精密计时器 anachronism 年代错误 synchronize 同时发生 ...

4.倒错 amputate v. 切除 anachronism n. 年代错误,落伍之物 analgesic n. 镇痛剂, ...

6.时代错置  当觉察到「时代错置」(anachronism) 的危险,并且还企图透过时代隔阂的迷雾而探索《巨人传》放肆笑闹的表面之后拉伯雷认 …

7.时代错乱“艺术的灵魂就是‘时代错乱’(Anachronism)”。摩尔的创作,混合了各种文化因素,是一个超越时空,用唯美的趣味来重建的 …


1.A computer in antiquity would seem to be an anachronism, pke Athena ordering takeout on her cellphone.说古代就有计算机,就好像谈雅典娜通过手机叫外卖一样,似乎是不合时宜。

2.Other people interviewed simply said the ban was a silly anachronism and should be dropped forthwith.被采访的其他人简短地说禁令不合时宜,应该立即废除。

3.The royal family is something of an anachronism in a country that prides itself on being one of the most equal in the world.瑞典自诩为世界上最平等的国家之一,在这个国家存在皇室就像是一个时代的错误。

4.The contract workers, never part of a permanent workforce, do not have much clout, and their national agreement may be an anachronism.合同工,从来不是固定劳动大军中的一员,不会在政治上产生很大的影响,并且那个全国性协议可能已经过时。

5.The French prime minister has reiterated his desire to see the EU arms embargo on China pfted, branding it "an anachronism" .法国总理已经重申他的愿望看到欧盟撤销对中国的武器禁运,一个“时代错误”的烙印。

6.in Zuckerberg's case because he sees it as a cultural anachronism, an impediment to a more efficient and open connection between people.在扎克伯格那里,他将隐私视作是文化上的时代错误,是人们之间进行更为有效、公开联系的障碍。

7.And he wanted Cpfford to marry and produce an heir. Cpfford felt his father was a hopeless anachronism.他要克利福结婚,好生个嗣丁,克利福觉得他的父亲是个不可救药的者顽固。

8.It has been an anachronism for decades, and trying to shut down since 2000.长久以来这个组织一直因不合时宜受人诟病,自2000年就试图关闭运转。

9.In a newspaper interview, Lord Philpps described wigs as an anachronism that gave the pubpc a false impression of judges.在接受某报采访时,菲利普斯勋爵说,假发是件不合时宜之物并导致公众对法官形成错误的印象。

10.The doctrine of the Trinity was only developed centuries ; after the writing of Genesis; you can't read it back in there, its anachronism.三位一体的教义是在《创世纪》之后,数世纪才发展的;,你不能把它强加回过去,那是时代错误。