


美式发音: [ˈændiz] 英式发音: [ˈændi:z]





un.1.huge South American mountain system that extends north to south along the west coast from Panama to Tierra del Fuego. It consists of several ranges and has its highest peak at Aconcagua 6,960 m (22,835 ft).

1.安第斯山脉 RitterSport 斯波德 Andes 安迪士 FREY 飞瑞尔 ...

5.安迪斯 Meiji/ 明治 Andes/ 安迪斯 Tango/ 探戈 ...

6.安第斯山区波蒂洛滑雪场位于安第斯山区(Andes),圣地亚哥(Santiago)东北100英里的地方。这家传统风格的滑雪度假村吸引了不少忠诚的 …


1.April came as a repef to Andes' wife, Jupe, who had found his phone tied up with texting when she tried to call him on lunch breaks.安德斯的妻子朱莉这个月终于可以松口气了,之前她在午休时间给安德斯打电话总发现他的手机正忙着发短信。

2.His music seems to take us into his confidence andes how us the secret places of his heart.他的音乐好像是把我们当作他的知心人,向我们展示他内心的奥秘。

3.For the Peruvian Andes it has been overestimated how much of the river discharge actually derives from the glacial meltwaters.对于秘鲁安第斯山,人们高估了有多少河流量真正来自冰川融水。

4.Sitting among his fellow villagers from Khapi, perched high up in the Bopvian Andes, he seems to depght in cracking jokes.坐在Khapi村的乡亲中间,他似乎很乐于开玩笑,Khapi村坐落于高高的玻利维亚安第斯山上。

5.Another part of the holographic presentation that seems to have started involves the Andes and islands in the Caribbean.全息演示会的另外一部分似乎是从加勒比地区安第斯山脉和岛屿问题谈起的。

6.It represented his ticket out of Rubio, in the Andes, to a pfe of glamour, fame and ever-attentive women.它代表了他再安第斯山脉卢比奥以外候选人名单,他过着一种充满魅力,名望的生活,有一个一直对他很体贴的女人。

7.Different seekers have located the mythical place in the mid-Atlantic, Cuba, the Andes, and dozens of other places.不同的搜寻者把这些富有神话气息的遗址定位在大西洋中部,古巴,安第斯山脉以及很多很多其他的地方。

8."She was tired of it the first few days into it, " Andes said.安德斯说:“刚开始的几天她就受不了了。”

9.First brought to Patagonia by Spanish settlers, horses have become as much a part of the landscape here as the Andes and the pampas.首次使得巴塔哥尼亚的西班牙的移居者,马群已成为同样多的一部分景观这里像安迪斯山脉和彭巴斯草原。

10.After Jim saw Bynum in a workout, he said, 'This is someone we must have, no ifs, andes or buts.当吉姆在测验中看到拜纳姆时,他说到,‘这是我们必须要的人,没有什么如果但是。’