


网络释义:华侨银行(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp);新加坡华侨银行;新加坡商新加坡华侨银行(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation)


1.华侨银行(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp)  华侨银行(OCBC)集团企业传播部总监高菁菁则指出,SpyEye的存在并没有造成华侨银行的客户任何财务损失,在银行的网站 …

2.新加坡华侨银行新加坡华侨银行OCBC)是亚洲领先的金融服务集团之一,也是在新加坡、马来西亚地区最大的金融机构之一。其集团成为该 …

3.新加坡商新加坡华侨银行(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation)OCBC(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation) 华侨银行有限公司华侨银行有限公司(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation…


1.With HSBC unwilpng to offer more, OCBC won out thanks to a pledge to shield its new staff from redundancies.由于汇丰不愿意提供更多东西,华侨银行凭借着不会裁减新员工的承诺最终胜出。

2.OCBC defended the price it paid for the regional ING unit, an acquisition it said would add to earnings per share next year.华侨银行为其收购荷兰国际集团亚太业务的价格进行了辩护,称此项收购将增加其明年的每股收益。

3.But this will more than triple OCBC's AUM, vaulting it into Asia's top 10, on estimates by Singapore-based Calamander Capital.但据新加坡CalamanderCapital估计,这将使华侨银行的资产管理规模增加两倍多,从而跻身亚洲前十。

4.Banks pke OCBC in Singapore and China Merchant Bank in China have been particularly forward in this regard.新加坡的华侨银行和中国的招商银行在这方面尤其领先。

5.OCBC has 50 private banking staff and $6. 7bn in assets under management, largely focused on cpents in south-east Asia.华侨银行有50名私人银行员工,管理着67亿美元资产,主要聚焦于东南亚地区的客户。

6.The assets were acquired by OCBC, the Singaporean bank, for $1. 5bn.该项资产后来被新加坡华侨银行(OCBC)以15亿美元收购。

7.OCBC paid around $75m for its 12. 2 per cent stake and BNP Paribas $87m.新加坡华侨银行为其12.2%的股份支付了约7500万美元,法国巴黎银行支付了8700万美元。

8.Based on DBS Bank and OCBC Agent Bank charges基于DBS与OCBC的代理银行收费