


美式发音: ['ɪrɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ɪərɪŋ]






n.1.a small rope by which the upper corner of a sail is attached to a yard

1.耳索 earing: 耳索 ...

2.耳钉 戒指 Ring 耳钉 Earing 手链手镯 Braclect ...

3.抽穗 ear 穗 earing 抽穗 earpness 早熟性 ...

4.形成花边 ... ear 耳;耳柄;耳状物;吊环 earing 出耳子;形成花边 Earlachitina 厄尔几 …


7.成耳 Dynamic test 动态试验 Earing 成耳(冲压) Early-strenghth cement 早强水 …

8.出耳子 e h welding 躺焊 earing 出耳子 early slag 初渣 ...


1.In recent years, theorists and practitioners pay more attention on also announced earing information and dividend popcy.近年来,关于同时公布的盈余信息和股利政策的研究日益受到理论界与实务界的广泛关注。

2.In the southern part of the country wheat is earing and rapeseed is in bloom.南国的小麦正在抽穗,油菜正在开花。

3.aluminium and aluminium alloys . test methods . earing test for sheet and strip.铝及铝合金。试验方法。板材和带材的凸耳试验。

4.At last, t becomes means of earing money.最后,它进入市场,成为人们赚钱的工具。

5.Displayed-symptom diseased seedpngs redisplayed symptom after a hidden-symptom stage and died before earing.表示显症病苗经过症状隐蔽阶段后又重新显症,并于抽穗前死亡。

6.unfortunately in his late years , since 1820 he lost earing , but he kept on composing.晚年不幸,1820年后完全失去听力,但仍坚持创作。

7.beginning earpness of ear differentiation and process rapidity, forming early cropping with earing earpness for Jinmai 74.穗分化开始早,进程快,抽穗早形成早熟的特点。

8.Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest: in earing time and in harvest thou shalt rest.你六日要作工,第七日要安息,虽在耕种收割的时候也要安息。

9.He was in black from crew to earing.他全身上下都穿着黑衣服。

10.I see an earing, I think gay. If you aren't gay, buy a calender. . . It's 2008.看见耳环,我就想到同性恋,如果你不是,买份日历去吧…都2008年了。