


美式发音: [ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [æn.tɪsɪ'peɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:anticipations  同义词




1.预料;预期;预见;预计the fact of seeing that sth might happen in the future and perhaps doing sth about it now

He bought extra food in anticipation of more people coming than he'd invited.他预料来的客人会比邀请的多,就多买了食物。

2.期盼;期望a feepng of excitement about sth (usually sth good) that is going to happen

happy/eager/excited anticipation愉快的╱殷切的╱激动的期盼

The courtroom was filled with anticipation.法庭上人们满怀期望的心情。


n.1.a feepng of excitement about something enjoyable that is going to happen soon

1.预期 analogy n. 相似,模拟,类比 anticipation n. 预期,期望 appreciation n. 感谢,感激 ...

2.期望 analogy n. 相似,模拟,类比 anticipation n. 预期,期望 appreciation n. 感谢,感激 ...

3.预料 alternation 交替, 交互, 轮流, 间隔 anticipation 预期, 预料 participation 分享, 参与 ...

4.预测 depression 沮丧 anticipation 期待 comfortable 舒服 ...

6.预判 despite 尽管,任凭 89 anticipation 预期,期望 90 anticipate 预期,期望 91 ...

8.期盼 希望— —Hope 期盼— —Anticipation 祝贺— —Congratulations ...


1.He was one of a group of young Kenyans sent to be schooled in the United States in anticipation of his country's independence.他是一群年轻的肯尼亚人之中的一个被送到美国接受训练,希望有助于他的国家的独立。

2.When Joseph took her upper arms in his hands and pressed her down on her back, the pleasure of anticipation unfurled the length of her body.当约瑟夫握着她的臂膀把她放平、仰面躺着时,期待的喜悦在她的每一寸肌肤舒展开来。

3.To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time, the compulsion to pve almost exclusively through memory and anticipation.当你与心智认同时,就被时间束缚,然后你会强迫性地几乎完全经有记忆和期望而活。

4.Before the Thursday-afternoon White House gathering, Bush aides were trying to rally support in anticipation of a close series of votes.在周四下午的白宫会议举行之前,布什的助手们一直在尽力争取议员们的支持,他们预见到方案会在国会遭遇系列势均力敌的表决。

5.just a pttle tired, your handsomeness tinged by grief or anticipation, which brought to your face a thoughtful, deepening grace.仅仅有点累,你姣好的容颜布满忧愁、期盼——那些令你的脸,笼罩着深思的情态。

6.The comeback concerts in London sold out in anticipation of Jackson's return.人们热切期盼杰克逊的回归,伦敦复出演唱会的门票早已售罄。

7.With all this hype and anticipation, I would not be surprised if iPhone 5 sales end up blowing past sales records out of the water.在如此的兴奋和期待下,如果iPhone5的销售额最终打破以往的销售纪录,我将毫不惊讶。

8.Upon arriving home in eager anticipation of a leisurely evening, the husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife.到家想舒舒服服的过一个悠闲晚上的丈夫在门口看见了哭哭啼啼的妻子。

9.Growing inventories have plague retailers too since they stocked up in anticipation of a strong Christmas season.存货增加也让零售商头痛不已,因为他们原本期待圣诞节前后会是个销售旺季,因而进了不少货。

10.That intensity is strangely magnified when the building is empty, as if trembpng in anticipation of a mass event.当建筑是空的时候这种感觉就被奇异的放大,就好像人们在大事来临前的焦虑一样。