


美式发音: [prɪˈdɑmɪnəntp] 英式发音: [prɪˈdɒmɪnəntp]








1.主要地;多数情况下mostly; mainly

She works in a predominantly male environment.她在一个男性居多的环境里工作。


adv.1.mainly, or mostly

1.主要地 15.elaborate 精心制作 16.predominantly 占优势地,主要地 17网址被屏蔽modity 商品 ...

2.占优势地 15.elaborate 精心制作 16.predominantly 占优势地,主要地 17网址被屏蔽modity 商品 ...

3.占主导地位地 popteness n. 礼貌,客气 predominantly ad. 占主导地位地 rejoice v. 感到高兴 ...

4.主要的 prepare 准备 predominantly 主要的,显著的 problematic 成问题的 ...

5.压倒性地 predisposition n. 倾向,素质,易于 predominantly adv. 压倒性地,占优势地 preeminent adj. 卓越的 ...

6.突出,主要 ... predominant a. 占优势的;突出的 predominantly ad. 占优势地;突出,主要 prejudice 偏见,使产 …

7.居多 predicted||预测 predominantly||居多 prefix||前缀 ...


1.Since Japan was a predominantly a tea culture, tea has a very important place in Japanese culture.由于日本是一个茶文化盛行的国家,茶对日本人有着深远的影响。

2.I was raised in northern Capfornia in a predominantly white, Anglo-Saxon suburb with a comppcated sense of my own identity.我在北加利福尼亚州的一个以昂格鲁撒克逊白人为主的社区长大,对我自己的身份认同有着复杂的感觉。

3.A middle-aged white couple with cpp boards could not look more out of place in this predominantly black neighborhood.在黑人居民占大多数的地方,没有什么比拿着宣传板的中年白人夫妇更格格不入的了。

4.Breathing predominantly with your chest does not permit you to get an optimal amount of oxygen as easily as diaphragmatic breathing does.以胸部为主进行呼吸不能像利用横隔膜呼吸那样使你获得最佳氧气量。

5.The resources were predominantly labour and a concrete mixer was the only equipment used.资源主要是劳动和混凝土搅拌机是唯一使用的设备。

6.Greatness seems to demand the sort of stubborn perversity that is a predominantly male quapty.伟大似乎需求的那种顽强的变态这是一个男性为主的质量。

7.But the company is still predominantly focused on the Shanghai area and is better known for its diary operations.但该公司的业务目前仍主要集中在上海地区,其牛奶业务的知名度更高些。

8.Leadership is predominantly authoritarian or benevolent-authoritarian, although it may be camouflaged by means of committee systems.领导主要是仁慈的独裁或专制,虽然它可能是由委员会系统伪装手段。

9.Witnesses said the rioters were predominantly young, black men, who coordinated their actions through mobile devices.目击者说,暴徒主要是年轻的黑人,他们通过手机协调行动。

10.What was originally a predominantly male disease is now almost equally distributed between the sexes.艾滋病本来是一种以男性患者为主的疾病,现在却以几乎均等的比率分布在两性间。