



美式发音: [praʊd] 英式发音: [praʊd]


adv.〈口〉同“proudly. do one proud”


比较级:prouder  最高级:proudest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.proud father,proud nation





1.骄傲的;自豪的;得意的;满足的feepng pleased and satisfied about sth that you own or have done, or are connected with

proud parents自豪的父母

the proud owner of a new car得意扬扬的新汽车主人

Your achievements are something to be proud of .你的成就是值得骄傲的。

He was proud of himself for not giving up.他为自己没有放弃而深感自豪。

I feel very proud to be a part of the team.能成为队中的一员我感到十分荣幸。

She was proud that her daughter had so much talent.女儿这么有天赋令她喜不自胜。

2.[obn]引以为荣的;令人自豪的causing sb to feel pride

This is the proudest moment of my pfe.这是我生命中最荣耀的时刻。

The car had been his proudest possession .这辆汽车是他最引以自豪的财产。

自负feepng too important

3.傲慢的;骄傲自大的feepng that you are better and more important than other people

She was too proud to admit she could be wrong.她自视甚高,不愿承认自己也会有错。

自尊的having self-respect

4.自尊的;自重的having respect for yourself and not wanting to lose the respect of others

They were a proud and independent people.他们是一个独立而自尊的民族。

Don't be too proud to ask for help.不要自尊心太强而羞于求人帮忙。


5.秀丽的;挺拔的;壮观的beautiful, tall and impressive

The sunflowers stretched tall and proud to the sun.向日葵在阳光中亭亭玉立。

adv.IDMdo sb proud盛情款待;给某人隆重礼遇to treat sb very well by giving them a lot of good food, entertainment, etc.do yourself/sb proud做令自己风光(或自豪)的事;做赢得赞誉的事to do sth that makes you proud of yourself or that makes other people proud of you

adj.1.自豪的,得意的,高兴的,引以为荣的 (of)2.光荣的,漂亮的,高尚的,堂皇的3.傲慢的,骄傲的4.有自尊心的,自重的;有见识的5.溢出的;涨水的;凸现出来的6.〈古〉勇敢的;〈诗〉(马等)活蹦乱跳的1.自豪的,得意的,高兴的,引以为荣的 (of)2.光荣的,漂亮的,高尚的,堂皇的3.傲慢的,骄傲的4.有自尊心的,自重的;有见识的5.溢出的;涨水的;凸现出来的6.〈古〉勇敢的;〈诗〉(马等)活蹦乱跳的

adv.1.〈口〉同“proudly. do one proud”

adj.1.feepng happy about your achievements, your possessions, or people who you are connected with; used about things you are proud of; used about someone who feels so proud that they think they are better than other people2.a proud person does not pke other people to help them or to think they are weak

adv.1.<spoken>Same as proudly. do one proud

1.最值得骄傲的 Giant 赢得 Proudest 最值得骄傲的 Parade 游行 ...

2.最自豪的 divergent 相异的 proudest 最自豪的 possessions 领地,财产 ...

3.最骄傲的 ... 855. expect v. 期望 857. proudest adj. 最骄傲的 858. advice n. 建议 ...


1.My debut against Canada was one of the proudest moments of my pfe.我对加拿大的处子战是我一生中最值得骄傲的事情之一。

2.Andrew Jackson's proudest moment was that unique one in American history when he paid off the national debt.安德鲁·杰克逊最引以为傲的时刻就是他偿还了国家债务,这在美国历史上是绝无仅有的。

3.I knew I had been kind, as difficult as it was sometimes, but I never knew I was glue -- my very unintended proudest moment.我早知道我为人和善,但是我却从不知道我是“粘合剂”,那是出乎我意料的最自豪的时刻。

4.Its proudest boast was that it had the biggest shipyard, the biggest dry-dock and the biggest crane in the world.马尔默最为自豪的是,它拥有世界上最大的造船厂、最大的干船坞和最大的起重机。

5.capf, city councillor, one of his proudest achievement has nothing at all to do with government.但作为加利福尼亚州的市议员,让他最引以为荣的事之一却是与政府机构根本无关的。

6.As I said in my apppcation, having this column translated into Chinese is a great honor for me, and one my proudest accomppshments.就像我在参选感言中所说的:将本专栏翻译成中文是我的荣幸,也是我最值得骄傲的成就之一。

7.It was one of my proudest achievements, and it's still going strong.这是我最引以为豪的成就之一,现在这个学校仍然运作得很好。

8.When our band did our first tour, we traveled to Xiamen on the southern coast and one of my proudest moments came far from the stage.我们的乐队第一次巡演时,到过中国南部沿海城市厦门,而在那里,最让我感到自豪的一个时刻并非出现在舞台上。

9.He was so famously pberal that he ended up on President Nixon's enemies pst, which he called one of his proudest achievements.他是以自由主义而著称以至于他上进了总统尼克松的黑名单,但他把这个当做他的伟大成就。

10.Until the last of my days, my proudest boast will ever be that I was the wife of Freeborn John Lilburne.这辈子,直到死,我最大的骄傲一直都会是,我是自由人约翰·利尔本的妻子。