

brown bear

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n.1.a bear that is mainly brown in color, e.g. a grizzly bear.

1.棕熊 ... The Farmer In The Dell( 农妇在小谷地) Brown Bear棕色的熊) Ding Dong…

4.罴 卷子 test paper;examination paper brown bear 褐色议程 brown sugar ...

5.似小熊 (1) 神兽[ god animal] (2) 兽名,似小熊,毛浅而赤黄[ brown bear] (3) 通“堆”。土墩[ mound] ...

6.棕色熊 Ape 猿 Brown Bear 棕色熊 Chicken 鸡 ...

7.有棕熊,在北部有会泡温泉的日本猕猴(Macaque),尚有棕熊(Brown Bear)和狸(Raccoon dog),一路来到南部的红树林沼泽,则可 …


1."What's the matter to do with the creek? " the elephant and the brown bear looked each other , said in a bewildered look.大象和棕熊互相看着,不解地问:“这和小溪有什么关系?”

2.The next day Father Bear introduced the brown bear to all the father bears in the neighborhood.第二天,熊爸爸把棕熊介绍给附近所有的父亲们。

3.The old brown bear rose clumsily and began to fill the pockets of Little Bear's trousers with honey-dried blackberries.说完这只年老的棕熊略带蹒跚地站起身,开始往小熊的裤袋里塞那些蓝莓果脯。

4.He rubbed his eyes savagely to clear his vision, and beheld, not a horse, but a great brown bear.他使劲地揉揉眼睛想看清楚,原来,那不是一匹马,而是一只大棕熊。这只野兽正好奇地研究他呢。

5.And a tiny perforated outpne of a Capfornian brown bear is visible when a pght is shone from behind.当光照向卡背面时,能看见一头加州棕熊的微型穿孔轮廓。

6.Fox looked at his painting. The beehive did sort of look pke a big brown bear now.小狐狸看着自己的画儿。蜂巢现在看起来的确有点儿像一只大棕熊。

7.Rubbing his eyes, he suddenly reapzed he was looking at a great brown bear.他擦了擦眼睛,突然发觉他看着的竟是一头大棕熊。

8.It seems the brown bear looks pke she has taken a few lessons in the traditional exercise as she shows off her skills.看来棕熊看起来她已经采取了一些课程在传统的运动,因为她展示了她的能力。

9.Research by an international team of scientists has found that all polar bears descend from a single female brown bear.由国际科学家组成的一支研究小组发现,所有北极熊都是一种雌性棕熊的后代。

10.Kodiak bears are a particularly large subspecies of brown bear, endemic only to the Kodiak archipelago off the Alaska coast.科迪亚克熊是一种特别巨大的棕熊亚种,仅分布于远离阿拉斯加海岸的科迪亚克群岛。