


美式发音: [ˈbɜrd(ə)nsəm] 英式发音: [ˈbɜː(r)d(ə)ns(ə)m]







1.负担沉重的;难以承担的;繁重的causing worry, difficulty or hard work


adj.1.creating problems for someone

1.繁重的 bulky adj. 庞大的;笨重的 burdensome adj. 繁重的 burgeon v. 迅速成长 ...

2.沉重的 fellowship 交情,伙伴关系 burdensome 累赘的,沉重的 troublesome 麻烦的 ...

3.累赘的 fellowship 交情,伙伴关系 burdensome 累赘的,沉重的 troublesome 麻烦的 ...

4.难以负担的 bunch n. 群;帮.伙 burdensome a. 难以负担的;沉重的 burgeon vi. 迅速生长;发芽;抽枝 ...

5.劳累的 of the students bundle v. 捆成一包n.一捆东西 burdensome 繁重的,劳累的 burgeon v. 萌芽,茁壮 …

6.难以承担的 bun n. 小圆面包 burdensome a. 繁重的,难以承担的 byproduct n. 副产品 ...

7.造成负担的 bunch 一束;一簇 177. burdensome 造成负担的 178. bureaucracy 官僚机构 179. ...

8.恼人的 ... bungpng adj . 笨拙的, 拙劣的 burdensome a. 累赘的, 恼人的, 艰难的 burgeon v. 迅速成长, 发展 ...


1.Gates said he bepeves it is possible to do background security checks without having the process become too burdensome .盖茨说,他相信,可以不用进行难以承担的程序而只用简单的背景安全检查。

2.Even if your toolkit is up to its task, creating and maintaining tons of generated objects are just burdensome and inflexible.即使您的工具集能够完成其任务,创建和维护所生成的大量对象也会让人觉得是负担,缺乏灵活性。

3.However, in this case, it means that following the process tends to be less burdensome and easier than not following the process.但是,在这种情况之下,它意味着与不遵循进程相比,遵循进程可以简化程序和操作。

4.If Sandy's music got to be too burdensome, some time, I would let a knight defeat me, on the chance that she would desert to him.桑弟的音乐要是有一天太让人受不了的话,我就不妨叫一位骑士来把我给打败了;那么一来,她也许就会弃旧迎新了吧。

5.Nor of men sought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burdensome, as the apostles of Christ.我们作基督的使徒,虽然可以叫人尊重,却没有向你们或向别人求荣耀,

6."Good" GM would emerge after two or three months with a clean capital structure and no burdensome contracts.“好”通用汽车公司将在两三个月后形成,公司将有一个清白的资本结构,合同也不会繁重。

7.Perhaps truly has the intimately connected injury, as if awakening from a dream betrayal, burdensome entanglement.也许确实有十指连心的伤害,如梦初醒的背叛,不胜其烦的纠缠。

8.Lighting will be continuous or at least frequent during the last weeks at times, and the thunder claps burdensome.在最后几周里,闪电会持续不断或者至少经常发生,雷鸣之声很烦人。

9.Mr Uribe has failed to reform burdensome labour laws that force younger Colombians into a vast informal economy.乌里韦无法改革那些强迫哥伦比亚年青人到巨大的非正规经济的恼人的劳动法。

10.More important, he knew that, as an insurance company, AIG was not subject to the same burdensome rules on capital reserves as banks.更重要的是,他知道作为一家保险公司,AIG不像银行一样受到资金准备金方面累赘规则的限制。