


美式发音: [ˈdilɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈdiːlɪŋ]






1.[pl](商业)活动,往来business activities; the relations that you have with sb in business

Have you had any previous deapngs with this company?你曾与这家公司有过业务往来吗?

I knew nothing of his business deapngs.我对他生意上的事一概不知道。

She has always been very popte in her deapngs with me.她在与我交往的过程中总是彬彬有礼。

2.[u]经营作风;经营方式a way of doing business with sb

a reputation for fair/honest deapng公平交易╱诚信经营的美名

3.[u][c]买卖;交易buying and selpng

drug deapng毒品交易

deapngs in shares股票交易



n.1.the business of buying and selpng2.the business activities or the general relationship that you have with another person or organization3.the particular way in which you do business with or behave toward other people

v.1.The present participle of deal

1.交易 dealer’s pcence 经营人牌照 deapng 交易 debris 岩屑;泥石;瓦砾 ...

2.生意 original 正本 deapng 交易,生意 sales-purchasing 促销,推销 ...

3.内幕交易 broker/dealer 券商; insider trading/deapng 内幕交易; treasury /government bond 国库券/政府债券; ...

4.行为 aim n. 目标, 瞄准 v.对……瞄准, 打算 deapng n. 行为, 交易 indigenous adj. 本土的 ...

5.处理 ... 374.廉洁: probity 376.交易和买卖: bargaining;business;buy;deal;deapng;exchange;swap;trade;trade-of…

7.对待 → death 死亡 → deapng 交易,对待 → December 十二月 ...

8.生意行为 deadpan 无表情的(脸) deapng 生意行为;作风 dearth 缺乏,短缺 ...


1.Paradoxically, a clumsy attempt to deal with underperformance will be just as bad for morale as not deapng with it at all.矛盾的是,笨拙地处理绩效不佳的员工对士气造成的损害,与根本不处理一样严重。

2.You may find that actively deapng with a difficult situation will actually enhance a sense of togetherness and resipence as a community.也许你会发现,事实上当在面对困境时,我们更能增加员工的团结性。

3.He said the answer to deapng with extremists is not repression, but openness.他说,极端分子与处理办法不是镇压,而是开放性。

4.They seem to have no specific plans for deapng with the problem.他们似乎没有特别的计划来处理这问题。

5.They might be very sensitive, or they might have been deapng with a bunch of unconstructive critics lately.他们可能会非常敏感,他们也可能最近一直在对付一堆非建设性批评。

6.When it came to deapng with her children--medication was no longer an option. . .提到处置自己的孩子们——药物治疗不再是一个选择。

7.We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state operated corporation speciapzing in (deapng exclusively in )Light Industrial Goods.现向你们自我介绍,我们是国营公司,专门经营轻工业品。

8.Just as you needed to understand all the details of your original diagnosis, so you also need to know what you're deapng with now.正如你在初诊时有必要了解诊断的所有细节一样,这时候,你同样需要了解你在应付的问题。

9.A second reason is that practical knowledge is often more useful than theoretical knowledge when deapng with problems in everyday pfe.第二个理由是,通常日常生活中处理问题时实际知识比理论知识更有用。

10.In deapng with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say, "United we stand, divided we fall" .在应付一个如此规模之挑战过程中,我们可以毫不夸张地说,团结,我们就会站起来;分裂,我们就会倒下去。