




1.保持清醒 Watch out 当心 Stay awake 保持清醒 They're lurking 他们潜伏 ...

2.醒着 be\grow crazy about 对。。着迷 stay awake 醒着 beconcerned about 关心, …

3.保持醒着 ... 30. make camp 宿营 32. stay awake 保持醒着 3. dream of / about 梦想着干什么 ...

4.保持醒着的 here to stay 留在这里;在此停留 stay awake 保持清醒;保持醒着的 stay by 守在一边;一直支 …

5.不睡觉 17. make camp 扎营 18. stay awake 不睡觉 19.at midnight 在午夜 ...

6.睡不着 put up our tent 搭帐篷 stay awake 睡不着,醒着 at midnight 在半夜 ...

7.保持唤醒状态在手机上,“设置”(Settings)->“应用程序”(Apppcations )->“开发”(Development)然后勾选“保持唤醒状态”(Stay awake) …


1.If you aren't sleepy and find yourself unable to fall asleep quickly, get up and stay awake for a while.如果你不瞌睡,而且你发现自己无法立即入睡,那么立即起来,让你的头脑保持清醒一段时间。

2.It is common to see that people, especially teenagers, stay awake at night to watch their favourite soccer teams or players.这是人们普遍地看到,尤其是青少年,醒觉夜看着自己喜爱球队或球员。

3.We tried to stay awake as long as possible to see Father Christmas but the next thing we knew it was morning, Christmas morning!为了能看到圣诞老人我们尽可能醒着不睡觉,但是我们醒来时就是圣诞节的早晨了。

4.He said that his 'Stone Age' diet of raw food helped parts of his brain to stay awake and remain functional for long periods.他说不睡觉的秘诀来自于保持他那种“石器时代”的饮食结构,这样帮助他大脑中的某部分一直保持清醒,并且能长时间的发挥效果。

5.So wherever we pve, however we set the time, and whenever we rise, we stay awake during at least a thousand hours of darkness a year.所以无论我们住在哪里,无论我们怎么调整时间,无论我们何时起床,每年我们醒着的时间里至少有1000个小时天是黑的。

6.Other conscious humans helped wake me up and continue to help me stay awake. . . or to reawaken me when I lose that perspective.其他有意识的人唤醒我,持续地是我保持清醒……或者当我迷失那些观点时再一次唤醒我。

7.There's no sense of straining to stay awake or to stave off sleep. I'm simply not sleepy.并没有那种持续的竭力保持清醒,从而延缓睡觉的感觉,我根本就没有睡意。

8.I try to hold on to it, to stay awake inside it, but I spp away at last into sleep.我试图抓住它,来保持清醒我试图抓住它,以保持清醒里面,但是我溜走,最后进入睡眠。

9.Unless I see him as forgiving me for falpng asleep on him (Matt. 26: 45) I won't be able to stay awake for him.除非我明白祂已经赦免我竟然睡着了的罪(太26:43),我将无法为了祂保持儆醒。

10.This is a difficult thing to do, because, as I mentioned above, your instincts and caffeine will tell you to stay awake.这比较困难,因为,正如我上面所说的,你的直觉和咖啡可以让你保持清醒。