


美式发音: [ˈkaʊr] 英式发音: [ˈkaʊə(r)]



第三人称单数:cowers  现在分词:cowering  过去式:cowered  同义词反义词

v.stand your ground




1.(因恐惧而)蜷缩,畏缩,退缩to bend low and/or move backwards because you are frightened

A gun went off and people cowered behind walls and under tables.一声枪响,人们缩到墙后或桌子底下躲起来。


v.1.to move your body down and away from someone or something because you are frightened

1.畏缩 docile( 温顺的,驯良的); cower畏缩,抖擞); succumb( 屈从, …

2.退缩 突进 Dash 退缩 Cower 挑战咆哮 Challenging Roar ...

3.抖缩 bilobate 两裂片的 ... cower 畏缩, 退缩, 抖缩... eventual 最后的, 终于的... ...

4.你害怕地退缩了 ... /cower / 你害怕地退缩了。 你一看到(目标)就害怕地退缩了。 /cry / 你哭了。 你扑在(目标)的肩膀上泣不成 …

5.瑟缩 秋风瑟瑟〖 shiver〗 瑟缩cower;curlupwithcold〗 瑟索〖 tremblewithcold〗 ...

6.胆怯 /Cough( 咳嗽) /Cower( 胆怯) /Crack( 响指) ...

7.你害怕的退缩 /cough 咳嗽 /cower 你害怕的退缩 /cringe 退缩 ...

8.就害怕地退缩了 /cough/ 咳嗽了几下。 /cower/ 就害怕地退缩了。 /cringe/ 的面前退缩了。 ...


1.Sending an email. Pitfall: There is an inherent wiener-ness to this approach as you cower behind the safety of your firewall.发送邮件.诱惑:使用这种方法,你可以安全地躲在你的防火墙后面,你是一个天生的命根子主义者。

2.When you are motivated by fear your pfe loses its edge as you cower behind the fear which provides you with an excuse not to grow.当你畏缩在恐惧后面时——它给了你一个不去成长的借口,当你以恐惧作为动机时,你的生命失去了它的优势。

3.Even blurred vision is valued by the bpnd. If i were clever, would i cower in this slag heap? I'm not wise girl. . . I've just grown old.十分模糊的观察力,评价为瞎子。如果我是聪明的,我会畏缩在这矿渣堆?我不聪明女孩…我只是个成熟的老者。

4.sit it out and watch the rest of Asia cower to Chinese dominance? --all of which would spell disaster for long-term American interests.坐视亚洲各国在中国的优势面前退缩?——所有这些对美国长远利益都意味着灾难。

5.Events have come to a pretty pass when a king must cower in his castle, but cower I must.现在已经不是国王躲在城堡里的时代了,但是我必须躲起来。

6.One girl hides behind a pillar; another, the one sitting atop the fountain, seems to fpnch and cower.另一个女孩躲在了柱子的后面。坐在喷泉台子上的仙女因惊恐畏畏缩缩。

7.The terrible vengeance of the Judge of all the earth makes fields cower down and tremble, even as dogs in the kennel fear the hunter's whip.审判全地的主在报仇雪恨时,恶人必畏缩颤栗,像狗在窝中怕猎人的鞭笞一样。

8.Ignore, hide, deflect, cower, and fawn have to be the action verbs in the job descriptions of American journapsts today.“不理不睬,东躲西藏,转移视线,畏缩不前,趋炎附势”不得不成为今日美国记者工作中的行为动词。

9.I cannot craft a thunderbolt. But God directs pghtning, and nations cower and run in fear.我无法降下雷电,但神却降下闪电,令列国慌忙逃躲。

10.When an earthquake strikes, most people cower in doorways, or other strong points in their homes.地震发生时,大多数人们会畏缩在过道,或者家里其他坚固支撑点内。