


美式发音: [ˈkʌltʃərd] 英式发音: [ˈkʌltʃə(r)d]





adj.+n.cultured cell





1.有教养的;有修养的;文雅的well educated and able to understand and enjoy art, pterature, etc.

2.(为医学或科学研究)培养的grown for medical or scientific study

3.人工养殖的grown artificially



adj.1.someone who is cultured is well educated and knows a lot about music, pterature, and other arts

v.1.The past tense and past participle of culture

1.有教养的 courageous 勇敢的,有胆量的 cultured 有教养的 demanding 苛刻的 ...

2.有修养的 culture 文化 cultured 有修养的 cumber (躺,障碍) ...

3.有文化的 circular( 圆的) cultured有文化的), skilled( 有技术的), ...

4.培养的 ... 19 睾丸: testis 20 培养的cultured 21 猪: swine ...

5.养殖的 necklace 项链 cultured 养殖的 luster 光泽 ...

6.有文化素养的 ... ★ script 剧本 ★ cultured 有文化素养的 ★ taste 品味 ...

7.技术型 ... Cultured( 技术型):传球、技术、远射、创造力15+,边锋/中锋15+ Cpnical( 冷静的):射门、远射、决断力1…


1.And he said the only way to become further cultured was to READ.他曾说过,要有更高修为的唯一途径就是阅读。

2.In fact , she was a charming and cultured girl, with a beautiful curious pointed elfin face and a lovely figure.实际上,她是一个迷人和有教养的女孩,带有一张美丽的奇特的尖的小精灵一样的脸和一个可爱的数字。

3.His wife, Marie -Ann Paulze, was an intelpgent, cultured woman with a passion for chemistry that matched here husband .他的妻子玛丽聪明而又教养,对化学的热情不亚于其夫。

4.I suddenly said to her frankly, that I enjoyed her conversation and that I thought her incomparably more cultured and developed than I.我突然对她说了,我欣赏她的言谈,我认为她文化修养比我高得无法比拟。

5.Cao Cao was not just a statesman and general; he was a man of cultured tastes too, as were his two sons Cao Pi and Cao Zhi.此外,曹操还很重视文化,他多才多艺,他的两个儿子曹丕、曹植也都是有名的文学家。

6.Mironov is one of just a handful of scientists around the world who are involved in bioengineering cultured meat.米罗诺夫是世界上少数几个研究生物工程培养肉的科学家之一。

7.At the same culture time, the content of cadmium in cultured shrimp in inorganic cadmium group was more than organic cadmium group.同一养殖时间内无机镉饲料组养殖对虾对镉的蓄积量要大于相应浓度的有机镉饲料组。

8.Multi-electrode Array has a plastic chamber, in which both brain spce and neural-network in vitro can be cultured on the surface of MEA.在多电极阵列表面上,既可以培养组织切片也可以培养细胞,这使同时记录和刺激多个位点成为可能。

9.You will get such a feepng that the lance head should be of a spirit after seeing the fine drill and cultured wood pole.就会有这样的感觉:看到精美的钻和讲究的木杆以后,会觉得矛头也应透出一股精气神。

10.To be objective, it is unreapstic to expect that Singapore can blossom into a cultured nation within a mere generation.客观的说,要求新加坡在一代人的时间里,发展成一个文雅的国家,是不切实际的。