




1.理发 42. at the doctor’s 在诊所 43. cut hair 理发 44. take turn 依次轮流 ...

2.剪发 导师/ Advisor ¥280 剪发 Cut hair 以上服务,12岁以下儿童50% OFF ...

3.剪头发 eat lunch 吃中午饭 cut hair 剪头发 in the morning 在早晨 ...


1.If you defy the court by continuing to cut hair, another group of men will come to your shop.要是你敢于藐视法庭,继续干你的营生,另外一帮人就会来到你的店里。

2.Pale, nervous girls with black-rimmed glasses and blunt-cut hair lolled around on sofas, riffing Penguin Classics provocatively.一群脸色苍白、精神紧张、戴着黑边眼镜、头发剪得齐齐的女孩子倚靠在沙发上,在飞快地翻看企鹅版经典丛书,姿态诱人。

3.Like for me, for most athletes, we don't cut our nails, we don't cut hair.就像我,对于多数运动员,我们赛前不能剪指甲,我们不能剪头发。

4.Yeah, pke any one of those women married to Irish-Traveler scam artists knew how to cut hair.是的,就好像所有和爱尔兰旅人骗局设计师结婚的女人都会理发似的。

5.D: I cut hair and sold it was sold, I told you it was sold, no!德拉:我剪了头发并卖了,它被卖掉了,我跟你说它被卖掉了,没有了!

6.Barber: One whose business is to cut hair and to shave or trim beards.理发师:从事理发和刮修胡须工作的人。

7.The sand add: Tang elder novella BE, I certain change, I this cut hair.沙加:唐长老教训的是,我一定改,我这就去理发。

8.None once cut hair for oneself.没有人曾经为自己理发。

9."Why do you cut hair outdoors? " I asked " Is it too expensive to rent a shop? "“你为什么在室外理发呢,租个店很贵吗?”我问他。

10.You may be workin' in a barbershop, you may know how to cut hair,管你是在理发店里工作且懂得如何理发