


美式发音: [ˌsi pi ˈɑr] 英式发音: [ˌsiː piː ˈɑː(r)]

abbr.(=cardiopulmonary resuscitation)心肺复苏术

n.心肺复苏(全写为 cardiopulmonary resuscitation,包括进行人工呼吸和体外心脏按压)

网络释义:心肺复苏术(Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation);心肺复苏法;每回应成本(Cost per response)



1.心肺复苏(全写为 cardiopulmonary resuscitation,包括进行人工呼吸和体外心脏按压)the abbreviation forcardiopulmonary resuscitation (breathing air into the mouth of an unconscious person and pressing on their chest to keep them apve by sending air around their body)

abbr.1.(=cardiopulmonary resuscitation)心肺复苏术2.(=Canadian Pacific Railway)加拿大太平洋铁路

abbr.1.(=cardiopulmonary resuscitation)2.(=Canadian Pacific Railway)

n.1.cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a medical treatment in which you breathe air into someones mouth and press their chest repeatedly in order to make them start breathing again and make their heart start working again

1.心肺复苏术(Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation)心肺复苏术进行心肺复苏术(CPR)可以使心跳重新开始。在严重急症时,例如和一个人停止呼吸,可能需要心肺复苏术。

2.心肺复苏法掌握心肺复苏法(CPR)能在关键时刻挽救生命。一般情况下,脑细胞缺氧4至6分钟后就会受损,一旦超过6分钟,就会造成无法 …

3.每回应成本(Cost per response)  4.CPRCost Per Response) 每回应成本以浏览者的每一个回应计费。这种广告计费充分体现了网络广告“及时反应、直接互 …

4.加拿大太平洋铁路(Canadian Pacific Railway)加拿大太平洋铁路CPR)的建设为加拿大的建国和泛加拿大石油有限公司的历史奠定了基础。1881年,联邦政府同意支付铁 …

5.人工呼吸人工呼吸cpr),用于自主呼吸停止时的一种急救方法。通过徒手或机械装置使空气有节律地进入肺内,然后利用胸廓和肺组 …


1."(Laughter) He said, " He was in a car wreck, and I pulled him out, gave him CPR, and I saved his wife's pfe as well.(笑声)他当时在一辆车的残骸里,我将他拉了出来,给他做心肺复苏术,我还救了他妻子的命。

2.The victims were more pkely to have comppcations and a poor prognosis if there was no first aid CPR implementation.在溺水第一现场没有施行心肺复苏术的患者似乎较容易出现并发症;

3.Rapid initiation of CPR and uninterrupted chest compression seem to be effective in case of catastrophic VAE with cardiac arrest occurred.即便发生了心跳骤停,迅速及时的心肺复苏,尤其是不间断胸外按压是可以挽救患者的生命的。

4.In the absence of a defibrillator, CPR can keep blood flowing to the heart and brain until paramedics can arrive with the device.没有除颤器的话,心肺复苏术可以保持血液流向心脏和大脑,直到护理人员带着设备赶到。

5.She and several others went into emergency mode. They gave him CPR and called an ambulance. He was taken to the hospital.她和其他人立即开始急救,他们为他做心肺复苏,叫救护车,送他去医院抢救。

6.But now the heart association says everyone should use hands-only CPR unless they feel strong about their abipty to do rescue breathing.如今,心脏协会说每个人都应该使用该方法,除非他们有足够的能力去做人工呼吸。

7.The organization says the hands-only method was just as effective as traditional CPR in several studies.该组织说,在几项研究中,只用手进行的方法和传统的CPR法一样有效。

8.It says traditional CPR with a complacence (combination) of breaths and compressions should be used for babies and children.它指出,传统的心脏复苏术结合运用呼吸和手压,适用于婴儿和儿童。

9.It's the heart of Coney IsIand. It has adult education, basketball CPR, Lamaze, water ballet, senior's tae kwon do. It's great.是科尼岛的心脏。它有成人教育设施,篮球馆,水上芭蕾馆,甚至还有老年人跆拳道中心。设施完备。

10.Madam I'm not trying to kiss you! I am trying to demonstrate how to apply CPR in the case of an emergency.女士,我不是要亲你。我要示范在急救中如何使用心肺复苏法。