


美式发音: [ˈsaɪəˌnaɪd] 英式发音: [ˈsaɪənaɪd]




复数:cyanides  过去分词:cyanided  现在分词:cyaniding  



1.氰化物(剧毒化学品)a highly poisonous chemical



n.1.a very poisonous chemical

1.氰化物Mercury) (Hg) 0.002 mg/L 氰盐 (Cyanide) (CN - ) 0.01 mg/L 亚硝酸盐氮 (Nitrite) (NO 2 -N) 不得检出 (N.D.) 氯盐 (Ch…

4.氰盐检验 溶氧量( Dissolved Oxygen) 氰盐检验Cyanide) 溶解性铁( Dissolved Fe) ...

5.氰离子idge pgands)连接起来,并且配位了两个氰分子(Cyanide)及一个一氧化碳(Carbonyl)。

7.氰化毒物杀),带领者 Jim Jones 要求大众喝下带有氰化毒物 (Cyanide) 的 Flavor-Aid®,但是这产品没有名气,新闻报导就「借用」 …


1.On May 21st, Shortly after capture, Globocnik committed suicide by means of a cyanide capsule hidden in his mouth.在被抓获后不久那年的5月21日,格洛博奇尼克用藏在嘴里的氰化物胶囊自杀。

2.And extracting it from this rock often means leaching it out with cyanide.从岩石中提取意味着还会残留下有害的氰化物。

3.Goering invited her to dinner, having arranged to put cyanide in her fish.戈林决定谋杀她,邀请她吃晚饭,叫人在鱼下氰化物。

4.In several videos, Dunn -- wearing a black mask -- said the baby food had been poisoned with cyanide, prosecutors said.检方称,在几个视频中,Dunn头戴面具,称已经在婴儿食物中投放了氰化物。

5.An exterminator said he had a method that involved the use of cyanide and would render the house uninhabitable for two years.一位灭虫专业人员说,他有一个灭蛇的办法,但是这一办法需使用氰化物,因而可能会使房子在两年内不能住人。

6.To the extent that cyanocobalamin might be a good detoxifier, which it isn't, you just trade cyanide for the toxin it removes.氰钴胺,可能是一个很好的解毒剂,它不是在一定程度上,你只是贸易氰化物的毒素它删除。

7.In Chicago, authorities have exhumed the body of a man who died of cyanide poisoning after winning the lottery.在芝加哥,当局已经挖掘出赢得彩票巨奖后死于氰化物中毒的乌鲁·卡安的尸体。

8.At these high doses hydroxycobalamin rather than cyanocobalamin must be used to avoid the toxicity of the cyanide in the later.氰钴胺在这些高剂量hydroxycobalamin的,而不是必须使用,以避免在以后的毒性的氰化物。

9.While it's unclear whether this dangerous "kiss of death" was ever used, a cyanide pistol was used for assassination in that era.人们尚不清楚这支危险的“死神之吻”是否开火过,在那个年代用于暗杀的微型手枪一般是装配氰化物的。

10.Deep down under Apollo's vast temple an old lady sat filled with the fumes from a volcanic crack underneath and drugged with cyanide.阿波罗神殿的深院内,有个老妇静坐其中,地底的火山裂缝使神殿布满烟雾毒气弥漫。