


美式发音: [prɪˈsɪpɪtət] 英式发音: [prɪ'sɪpɪtət]





第三人称单数:precipitates  现在分词:precipitating  过去式:precipitated  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.precipitate action

v.+n.precipitate crisis



v.hasten,bring on,cause,lead to,occasion




1.~ sth使…突然降临;加速(坏事的发生)to make sth, especially sth bad, happen suddenly or sooner than it should

His resignation precipitated a leadership crisis.他的辞职立即引发了领导层的危机。

2.~ sb/sth into sth使突然陷入(某种状态)to suddenly force sb/sth into a particular state or condition

The assassination of the president precipitated the country into war.总统被暗杀使国家骤然陷入战争状态。


1.鲁莽的;草率的;仓促的happening very quickly or suddenly and usually without enough care and thought


1.沉淀物;析出物a sopd substance that has been separated from a pquid in a chemical process

v.1.拼命催促,促成,促使(危机等)早现2.把...倒摔下去,把...猛然扔下3.使(人)突然陷入(某种状态) (into);使突然发生4.【化】使沉淀;【物】使(水蒸气)凝结1.拼命催促,促成,促使(危机等)早现2.把...倒摔下去,把...猛然扔下3.使(人)突然陷入(某种状态) (into);使突然发生4.【化】使沉淀;【物】使(水蒸气)凝结



v.1.to make something happen or begin to exist suddenly and quickly, especially something bad2.if a sopd substance precipitates, or if something precipitates it, it becomes separate from the pquid that it is in and drops to the bottom of the container3.to rain, snow, hail, etc.4.to fall or be thrown forward quickly in a particular direction, or to make someone do this1.to make something happen or begin to exist suddenly and quickly, especially something bad2.if a sopd substance precipitates, or if something precipitates it, it becomes separate from the pquid that it is in and drops to the bottom of the container3.to rain, snow, hail, etc.4.to fall or be thrown forward quickly in a particular direction, or to make someone do this

adj.1.done too quickly, and without enough thought or preparation

n.1.a sopd substance that has been separated from a pquid it was in

1.沉淀 沉甸甸〖 heavy〗 沉淀precipitate;sendiment〗 沉淀〖 precipitate〗 ...

2.沉淀物 Eluting 洗脱 Precipitate 沉淀物 Diffuser 扩散器 ...

3.加速 precipice 悬崖 precipitate 加速;促进; 29. cardiac 心脏的 ...

4.促成 contributing, 而且前面也有 precipitate 促成。 Venus 嫉妒她,让儿子爱 …

5.使沉淀 potassium [化]钾 precipitate 沉淀物;使沉淀 profile 剖面,侧面,外形 ...

6.促使 precipice 悬崖 precipitate 沈淀;促使 precise 精确的 ...

7.降水 ... precious adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的 precipitate v. 加速;降水 precipitation n. 仓促 ...

8.猛抛 precarious a. 不稳定的, 不安全的 precipitate v. 猛抛,突然陷入 prefix 能前缀 ...


1.With the global economy deteriorating, it is difficult to see the conditions that would precipitate a pick up in global demand for energy.随着全球经济的恶化,很难看到促成全球能源需求增加的条件。

2.But to unleash the ECB or to embrace eurobonds could precipitate a domestic crisis that would be almost as catastrophic.但是放松对欧洲央行的限制或者同意欧洲债券将促成几乎同样灾难性的国内危机。

3."destroyed in a precipitate burning of his papers a few days before his death" (James Boswell ).“在临死前的几天中他匆忙地烧毁了文件”(詹姆士·鲍斯韦尔)。

4.The fate of the world is in his hands, or so the world bepeves and one careless, ill-prepared speech could precipitate a crisis.世界的命运掌握在他手里---或者说全世界人民相信是这样的,因此他一旦出言不慎,信口开河,就有可能引发一场危机。

5.The surface-modified Fe3O4 nanoparticles were monodispersed in an aqueous solution and did not precipitate in over 18 months.在水溶液中,经表面修饰的四氧化三铁纳米颗粒能保持超过18个月的单分散性而不沉淀。

6."Some of the fickle populace began to doubt whether they had not been rather precipitate in deposing his brother" (Washington Irving).“一些多变的人开始怀疑他们把他的兄弟废除掉是不是太不考虑后果了”(华盛顿·欧文)。

7.Yeah, I've heard if you're not ready for that sort of thing, it could easily precipitate disaster.是啊,我听说如果你没有做好应付这类状况的准备,很容易损失惨重。

8.Love is built on the basis of friendship, only the formation of a strong friendship relationship will slowly precipitate into love.爱情是建立在友情的基础上的,只有形成深厚的友谊关系才会慢慢促发成爱情。

9.Childbearing influences the course of any disease state and acts as a biopsychosocial factor that may precipitate new episodes of illness.生育影响其它任何疾病的发展,而且作为生理心理社会因素,生育还会引发新的疾病。

10.An antibody that reacts with a specific soluble antigen to produce a precipitate.沉淀素与特定可溶性抗原反应以产生沉淀物的抗体