


美式发音: [ˌsɪtə'kɪn] 英式发音: [ˌsɪtə'kɪn]




n.1.any protein secreted by lymph cells that affects cellular activity and controls inflammation

1.细胞因子性介质,诸如组胺、缓激肽(bradykinin)、细胞活素(cytokine)、前列腺素、白细胞三烯(leukotrienes)、血栓烷等导致临床症状 …


8.细胞间素细胞间素(Cytokine)是巨噬细胞或辅助T淋巴细胞﹐所释放出可溶性的讯号蛋白或胜链﹐可以和感应细胞表面的受体结合﹐进而 …


1.So we're going to have to go all out thermonuclear response, stimulate the total cytokine cascade.所以,体内将要进行的是剧烈的热反应,启动细胞因子的级联反应效应。

2.That could result in a "cytokine storm" in which the body secretes too many chemicals as it tries to kill offending microorganisms.这可能导致细胞激素风暴,当它试图杀死进攻的微生物时,体内分泌太多化学物质。

3.One of the significant contributing factors of different immune responses can be ascribed to the genetic polymorphisms of cytokine genes.其中重要的一个因子,对于产生这些不同的免疫反应,已经证实的有细胞素基因的多型性。

4.During viral invasion, the body often over reacts with an excessive defensive response, called a cytokine storm.病毒入侵时,身体的防卫机制尝尝会反应过当,产生“细胞素风暴”。

5.Each of these phenomena may depend on a cooperative interaction between TAM receptor and cytokine receptor signalpng systems.所有这些现象可能取决于合作谭受体之间的相互作用和细胞因子受体信号系统。

6.Six of the clock genes were suppressed by the cytokine in ways that would, in an actual animal, be expected to promote sleep.有六个节律钟基因受到该细胞因子的抑制,如果在生物体中,这会起到促进睡眠的作用。

7.Inhibition of cytokine production and reducing the inflammatory reaction are one of the key mechanisms.通过抑制炎症因子的产生而减轻炎症反应是其重要机理之一。

8.Laboratories throughout the world use different bioassays and immunoassays to determine cytokine concentrations.全世界的实验室使用不同的生物测定和免疫测定方法来测定细胞因数的浓度。

9.Prominent among these regulatory components are the anti-inflammatory cytokines and specific cytokine inhibitors.里头最重要的管理成分是抗发炎的细胞激素与特定激素抑制物。

10.It has been shown that cytokine could be easily carried to the targeting cells by antigen and give play to role of immunological adjuvant.干扰素是一种细胞因子,它在诱导细胞的抗病毒、抗生长反应及调节免疫反应中起关键作用。