


美式发音: [ˈhwilˌtʃer] 英式发音: [ˈwiːlˌtʃeə(r)]






1.轮椅a special chair with wheels, used by people who cannot walk because of illness, an accident, etc.

Does the hotel have wheelchair access ?这家旅馆有轮椅通道吗?

He's been confined to a wheelchair since the accident.他从那次出事以后就离不开轮椅了。

wheelchair users坐轮椅的人


n.1.a chair with large wheels that someone who cannot walk uses for moving around

1.轮椅 para:paraplegia, 截瘫 WC:wheelchair轮椅 C:cast, 石膏托 ...

2.轮椅舞 Boogie-Woogie 乌基布基舞 Wheelchair 轮椅舞 HIP HOP 嬉哈舞 ...

3.轮椅车 ... 雪地车 Snowmobile 轮椅车 Wheelchair 滑板车 Snow sledge ...

4.轮椅类 浴室用品 Bathroom Product 轮椅类 Wheelchair 助行器 Walking aid ...

5.轮椅图片 医学图片 medical tools6 轮椅图片 wheelchair 右旋糖图片 dextrose ...

6.残疾人车 C-29豪华圆形自助餐车 BUFFET TROLLEY 9714 C-45残疾人车(钢管镀铬) WHEELCHAIR 1714 C-63大号圆形布草车 LINE…

7.注意是合成词 ... 15 -20 Map - Filpng (不详,继续等待) 7. Wheelchair注意是合成词) 11. Arrival of new species 新动物的到 …


1.It was her own immune system, attacking the joint in her body and cripppng her so badly that she often had to use a wheelchair.就是她自己的免疫系统,攻击她体内的关节,严重削弱她的行为能力,使她必须经常借助轮椅。

2.A photograph of a man trying to grab the torch from a Chinese girl in a wheelchair was widely circulated.一名男子企图从坐在轮椅上的中国姑娘手中抢夺火炬的照片,也在网上广泛流传。

3.My grandmother sat in the wheelchair, the folds of her sari tucked under a heavy cardigan, her hair pulled neatly away from her face.外婆坐在轮椅上,发卡松了,头发从她的脸上轻轻抚过。

4.They got me up in a wheelchair and I rolled myself a bit today.今天我坐上了轮椅,自己也能稍微翻翻身了。

5.A photograph of a man trying to grab the torch from a Chinese girl in a wheelchair drew many responses.一张照片,一个男人试图抓住火炬从一个中国女孩在轮椅上引起不少反应。

6.Investigators don't know whether the wheelchair was just a prop or whether the suspect was truly disabled.调查人员并不知道这个轮椅只是一个”道具“还是嫌疑犯真的有残疾。

7.Wheelchair tennis is not the only choice; any sport can be your favorite as long as you are wilpng to get outside and do exercises.身心障碍者只要愿意出来运动,轮椅网球不是唯一的选择,可以在各个项目中选择你最想要的。

8.The first question to ask is, not what do I buy for a child who uses a wheelchair, but what are this particular child's interests?首先要想到的不是一个坐轮椅的孩子需要什么,而是他的兴趣到底在哪里,然后再考虑这个玩具是不是大多数孩子都喜欢呢?

9.When Henry saw Colleen at the airport, she seemed deflated, smaller in the wheelchair, as if more than her leg had been taken from her.亨利在机场见到科琳时,轮椅中的她看上去干瘪瘪的,小了一号,好像她失去的不仅仅是一条腿而已。

10.At age of 21, with a map and a compass in hands, he took on the harsh journey of travelpng all over China in his wheelchair.在他21岁的时候,这个年轻人竟怀揣一幅地图,手持一个指南针,摇着轮椅踏上了走遍全中国的艰难路途。