


网络释义:忙个不停(On The Go);技术组;数码伴侣


1.忙个不停(On The Go) TV-OUT 输出 OTG 功能 3.5mm 耳机接口 ...

5.机油温度表(Oil Temperature Gauge) FMS 荧光矿物学会 OTG 机油温度表 IS 资讯整合系统 ...


1.The whole staff came into the cafe and sat before the corporate panel and we were told OTG would close, effective immediately.所有的员工来到餐馆并坐到公司委员会面前,然后被告知OffTheGrid将要关闭了,并且是立即。

2.OTG's experience with Gigabit Ethernet showed a gradual trend of network adapter performance degradation.OTG使用千兆以太网的经验显示出网络适配器性能有逐渐退化的趋势。

3.In view of the insufficiency in storage testing and measurement instrument, USB OTG is introduced.针对目前存储测试仪所面临的不足,引入了USBOTG技术。

4.USB OTG and Its Apppcation in Storage Testing and Measurement技术及其在存储测试中的应用

5.USB OTG: the best connection solution for portable devices便携设备绝佳的互连解决方案

6.The apppcation of universal interface USB OTG technology in data transfer接口技术在数据传送中的应用

7.USB mini-A-to-USB A female On-The-Go (OTG) cable (optional; lets it be powered over its USB connection)USBmini-A-to-USBAfemaleOn-The-Go(OTG)线缆(可选;通过它的USB连接供电)

8.Apppcation of USB OTG In Acquisition system技术在数据采集系统的应用