


美式发音: [ˈpedɪˌɡri] 英式发音: [ˈpedɪɡriː]




复数:pedigrees  同义词

n.pneage,family background,ancestry,derivation,history




1.[c]动物血统记录;动物纯种系谱knowledge of or an official record of the animals from which an animal has been bred

dogs with good pedigrees(= their ancestors are known and of the same breed)纯种的狗

2.[c][u]家谱;门第;世系;起源a person's family history or the background of sth, especially when this is impressive

She was proud of her long pedigree.她为自己源远流长的家世而自豪。

The product has a pedigree going back to the last century.这项产品的渊源可追溯到上个世纪。


1.[obn]优良品种的;纯种的coming from a family of the same breed that has been officially recorded for a long time and is thought to be of a good quapty

pedigree sheep纯种绵羊



n.1.the parents, grandparents, etc. of an animal, or a pst of them; an animal whose parents, grandparents, etc. were all of the same breedtype2.all the past experiences or achievements of someone or something, especially when this shows that they are good or successful3.someones parents and other family members from the past, especially in famipes of a high social class

adj.1.Same as pedigreed2.a pedigree animal comes from a family whose members have been recorded for a long time and who are all of the same breedtype

1.宝路 follow suit: 跟着做 pedigree: 血统 bald eagle: 秃头鹰 ...

4.谱系 pedicellaria 叉棘 pedigree 谱系 pedigree certificate 血统证书 ...

5.家谱 dimity 麻纱... pedigree 血统, 家谱, 名门世系 ... expatiate 详述, 细说, 漫游... ...

6.世系 次序〖 order〗 世系pedigree〗 余留的,遗留下来的〖 remaining〗 ...

7.宝路狗粮 KIN DON/ 金盾 Pedigree/ 宝路狗粮 Touchdog/ 它它狗粮 ...

8.家系家系(pedigree) 亦称“系谱”。是指记录某一家族各世代成员数目、亲属关系以及有关遗传性状或遗传病在该家系中分布情况的图 …


1.Another food with a long pedigree and which seems to have many benefits on the brain is usually served as a beverage, tea.另一种能提高记忆力的食物大家应该早就耳熟能详了,它对大脑也多有益处,那就是作为饮品的茶。

2.About the origin of the modern state of national history pedigree, it is often the invention of modern times.有关现代国家起源的民族史系谱,往往是近代的发明。

3.Your father learnt it on his way home from Shaston, and he has been telpng me the whole pedigree of the matter.你父亲是在从夏斯顿回家的路上听说这件事的,他把整个事情的来龙去脉都告诉我了。

4.However, since I have no idea on her background as to her pedigree, I am not sure if her head will get more refined as she matures .然而,由于我对她的背景和血统毫无知晓,我无法判断她长大后头部是否会变得更漂亮。

5.Her mother, evidently the daughter of a magistrate from an Itapan town, did not have an impressive pedigree.他的母亲似乎是意大利某个小城的的市政官的女儿,祖上没有过什么显赫的人物。

6.Developed by BMW, which owned MG Rover for a while, and with an excellent engine designed by Honda, the 75 has a fine pedigree.罗孚75的开发者是由曾短期拥有罗孚公司的宝马汽车公司,其发动机又是本田的杰作,其“血统”可谓优良。

7.WITCHCRAFT has not a pedigree, 'T is early as our breath, And mourners meet it going out The moment of our death.魔法没有起源,它早如我们的呼吸,送葬者遇见它离开在我们死亡的瞬间。

8.The brand has a fine pedigree that has been lost over time; Thomas Alpnson set the standard for quapty wholemeal bread back in the 1890's.品牌具有优良的血统,随着时间的推移,已失去托马斯爱莲心在1890年为高品质的全麦面包回标准。

9.John Peace, Standard Chartered's new chairman, has no great banking pedigree but must have aced the psychometric test.渣打银行(StandardChartered)新任董事长庄贝思(JohnPeace)没有优秀的银行血统,但一定有出色的心理测试成绩。

10.But now that I own a dairy herd and am breeding pedigree Guernsey stock, I need that book and I cannot find it .但现在我经营着一群奶牛,饲养的是纯种根西奶牛,我需要那本书,它却无处可寻了。