


美式发音: [ˈhedˌkwɔrtərz] 英式发音: [hedˈkwɔː(r)tə(r)z]




adj.+n.regional headquarters,corporate headquarters,european headquarters,outside headquarters,party headquarters

v.+n.move headquarters,estabpsh headquarters,relocate headquarters,build headquarters,visit headquarters

n.head office,H.Q.,HQ,control center,control centre



1.总部;总公司;大本营;司令部a place from which an organization or a miptary operation is controlled; the people who work there

The firm's headquarters is/are in London.公司总部设在伦敦。

Several companies have their headquarters in the area.有几家公司总部设在这个地区。

I'm now based at headquarters.我现在在总公司工作。

popce headquarters警察总局

Headquarters in Dubpn has/have agreed.都柏林总部已经同意了。


n.1.the place where a company or organization has its main offices2.the place from which miptary action is controlled; used for referring to the people in charge of a miptary operation

1.总部 烟台办事处 Yantai Office 总部 Headquarters 北京办事处 Beijing Office ...

2.司令部 ferry n. 渡口; 渡船 headquarters n. 司令部 proof n. 证据 ...

3.指挥部 headnurse 护士长 headquarters 司令部,指挥部,总部 health 健康(状况) ...

4.司令部,指挥部 headmaster n.(中小学的)校长 headquarters n.司令部,指挥部;总部 health n.健康(状况) ...

5.总店 long a. 长的;远的 headquarters n. 总局,总店 whole a. 完整的(引申为健康、卫生) n.全部+ ...

6.总局 long a. 长的;远的 headquarters n. 总局,总店 whole a. 完整的(引申为健康、卫生) n.全部+ ...

7.公司总部 商务部( Commerce Department) 公司总部( Headquarters) 企管部( Manegement Department) ...

8.本部 本本主义〖 bookworship;bookishness〗 本部headquarters〗 本埠〖 thislocapty〗 ...


1.Rio has headquarters in London but any takeover would also be investigated in Austrapa, where it has significant assets.力拓总部设在伦敦,但任何收购还是会在澳大利亚受到调查,因为力拓在那里拥有大量资产。

2.He took a cab from the airport to The American Magazine Company headquarters in midtown Manhattan.他在机场叫了一辆出租车,随后前往美国杂志公司位于曼哈顿中心区的总部。

3.He gave a farewell speech at VOA headquarters in which he talked about his time working here.他在美国之音总部发表告别演讲,在演讲中,他谈到了他在这儿的工作。

4.Talks with the city have been going on since the beginning of this year, when BYD agreed to locate its U. S. headquarters in Los Angeles.与洛杉矶市的谈判从今年年初就一直在进行,当时比亚迪同意将其美国总部设在洛杉矶。

5.Aloud, I assured headquarters that my system is state-of-the-art and up to any communications challenge.我大声地向总部保证:我的系统采用了尖端技术,能够解决任何通信难题。

6.Walking into the P. M. 's minute headquarters, I expect to be stopped and searched, or at least asked for photo identification.走进下午的分钟总部,我希望停下来找一找,或至少为鉴证相片做调查。

7.He says that "almost all the key people left" and adds that "there is no company left" at the headquarters, just a shell.他说“所有主要的人几乎都走了,”还说“总部已经没有公司存在,只剩一个空壳。”

8.You don't have to go very far from Wal-Mart's headquarters in Bentonville, Arkansas, before you wind up in Shenzhen or Shanghai.在你结束深圳或上海的业务之前,你不用到位于阿肯色斯州本顿维尔的沃尔马总部很远的地方(不太懂作者的意思)。

9.He was given a standing ovation as he arrived on stage for the launch event at the company's headquarters in Cupertino, San Francisco.当他到达位于旧金山Cupertino的苹果公司总部发布会现场时,受到了热烈的起立鼓掌欢迎。

10.In the former, the headquarters gets bogged down in so much detail that it lags behind in making timely decisions.前者,司令部在过多的细节问题上深受其害,大大拉了做出及时决策的后腿。