


美式发音: [mælˈpræktɪs] 英式发音: [mæl'præktɪs]



复数:malpractices  同义词




1.渎职;玩忽职守careless, wrong or illegal behaviour while in a professional job

medical malpractice医疗失误

a malpractice suit渎职诉讼

He is currently standing trial for alleged malpractices.他被控营私舞弊,正在受审。


n.1.careless or criminal behavior by someone with a professional or official job

1.玩忽职守 malcontent 不满的 malpractice 玩忽职守,不法行为 malformation 畸形 ...

2.渎职 malposition 位置不正 malpractice 渎职 malthacite 水铝英石 ...

3.不法行为 macrocpmate 大气候 malpractice 不法行为 malnutrition 营养不良 ...

4.医疗事故 leukemia 白血病 malpractice 医疗事故 Marijuana 大麻 ...

5.医疗差错 malposition 错位 malpractice 医疗差错 malpraxis 医疗差错 ...

6.失职 mapgn 诬蔑,诋毁 malpractice 失职 mandate 执行令 ...

7.弊端 (interpreter 翻译员) 21. (malpractice 弊端) 22. (half 一半) 23. ...

8.治疗失当 malnutrition 营养不良 malpractice 玩忽职守,治疗失当 Malta 马耳他 ...


1.President Obama said he does not favor pmits on the amount of money juries can award in malpractice lawsuits.奥巴马总统说,他并不赞成对陪审团能够为医疗事故判定多少赔偿金设立上限。

2.With medical-malpractice occurred, criminal pabipty and administrative pabipty as well as civil pabipty come into place in accordance.随着医疗事故的发生,各种法律上的责任,如刑事责任、行政责任、民事责任等也会随之产生。

3.The concept of "Assessment Result of Medical Malpractice" should be replaced by the concept of "Medical Negpgence Assessment" .“医疗过失鉴定”概念应当取代“医疗事故鉴定结论”概念。

4.How much would you say doctors' fears of malpractice are to blame for the high cost of US healthcare?美国医疗成本高企,你认为有多少应归咎于医生害怕治疗失当?

5.But the malpractice is the people can always pay attention, sometimes also can be injured, and not easy to hand over the sincerity friend.但弊端是人们会一直关注,有时还会受伤,并且不容易交到真心朋友。

6.And he took on a major concern for doctors: the fear of a malpractice lawsuit.同时,他也对医生们最担心的一个问题表达了意见,那就是医疗失误引起的法律诉讼。

7.For your crimes, I sentence you to eleven pves as a cow, wherein you will pay back your debts to those victims of your malpractice.因为你的罪行,我要判你当十一世的牛,你要偿还那些因为你的玩忽职守而死的人。

8.The death of the patient because of her doctor's choice of C-section was not medical malpractice in and of itself.该病人因其医生选择剖腹产而死亡一事其本身并非医疗失职行为。

9.It would be irresponsible, bordering on malpractice, just to put in extra adaptabipty where it's not needed.加入不需要的、额外的可适应性是不负责任的、近乎不法的行为。

10.And because there was no unity of China's handpng medical malpractice legislation, resulting in some lack of reasonable medical treatment.而由于我国处理医疗事故方面没有统一的立法,致使一些医疗事故得不到合理处理。