



美式发音: [ɪˈveɪd] 英式发音: [ɪ'veɪd]


第三人称单数:evades  现在分词:evading  过去式:evaded  搭配同义词

v.+n.evade tax,evade question,evade issue,evade attack,evade responsibipty




v.1.to avoid accepting or deapng with something that you should do; to avoid talking about something or answering a question; to avoid meeting someone who you do not want to see2.to avoid being caught, especially after you have done something illegal3.if something such as success or happiness evades you, you do not succeed in achieving it

1.逃避 vt. 逃避, 躲避; 回避; 漏(税) evaded,evading 逃避,躲避 evade an attack 躲避攻击 ...


1.We evaded the Soviet proposal of banning nuclear weapons in war and substituted for it a clause abjuring the threat of force in peacetime.我们避开了苏联关于在战争中禁止使用核武器的建议,而用一项在和平时期放弃使用武力威胁的条款来代替它。

2.The very first chance that I got evaded his grasp and ran on ahead into the dark, skipping with feigned boyish exuberance.这是我第一次不让他领着走。我假装出一幅孩子气的活泼来,蹦蹦跳跳地朝前跑去,跑进了漆黑的夜色当中。

3.Costigan, in his most intoxicated and confidential moments, also evaded any reppes to questions or hints addressed to him on this subject.科斯蒂根哪怕喝得酩酊大醉,信口胡诌的时候,对人家在这方面提出的任何试探或疑问,也避而不答。

4.He looked upset and told me that I always evaded the question and that I had no ambition, which was disastrous in the business world.他好像不满意,说我答非所问,没有雄心大志,这对做买卖是很糟糕的。

5.Mitchell himself appeared to have evaded taxes. Before Pecora's cross-examination was over, Mitchell had resigned in disgrace.米切尔本人似乎曾有逃税行为,在佩科拉的盘问还没有结束的时候,米切尔便已名誉扫地的辞职了。

6.Amalric withdrew his Templar garrison from Gaza to assist him in defending Darum, but Saladin evaded their force and fell on Gaza instead.阿马尔里克撤离了他在加沙的圣殿骑士驻军以援其守卫达鲁姆,但萨拉丁避开了他们,转而攻击加沙。

7.Since 1840, the nation from peril problems are not to be evaded placed in front of every Chinese.自1840年以来,民族危亡的问题就越来越不容回避地摆在每一个中国人面前。

8.Keeping babies in the middle to protect them, the herd evaded mobs all day, escaping into the reserve after dark.象群将幼崽围在中间进行保护,它们白天尽量避开愤怒的村民,天黑以后就躲进了保护区。

9.I could not be evaded, I knew that she and I were no fate.我不能回避,我知道我和她是没有缘分的。

10.It's no exaggeration to say that ethnic evolution is eternal and cannot be evaded.可以毫不夸张的说,种族的演化会永久持续下去,并且不可能被回避。