


美式发音: [ˈveɪləns] 英式发音: ['veɪləns]






n.1.Same as valance2.a measurement of the ability of an atom to combine with other atoms3.the number of different types of clause that a word can be used with

1.瓦朗斯 vain a. 徒劳的;白费的;自负的;虚荣的 valence n. ;效价 valiant n. 勇敢的;英勇的 ...

3.效价 valence 价 valence 原子价 valency 价 ...

5.化合价 vacuum 真空 valence 价,原子价,化合价 valley 山谷,溪谷 ...

6.价数 架桥粒子 ||bridge particle 价数 ||valence 监督 ||supervision ...

7.配价 凝集的 agglutinative 配价 valence 皮层下失语症 subcortical aphasia ...

8.瓦隆斯经过瓦隆斯(Valence)后,就来到和普罗旺斯比邻林的德弘县(Drôme)。往首府尼昂(Nyons)的方向,有橄榄博物馆,古老的的磨 …


1.Caught up in its valence, but the hormonal affection is not the full fraction.困在其价,但感情是不完整的荷尔蒙的分数。

2.Stumpage produces the commodity that becomes independent as to produce a course, completely possible, conditional execute forest valence.立木生产作为一个独立的商品生产过程,完全有可能、有条件实行林价。

3.Dual nature of trace element refers to good or harmful effects on health as elements are in distinct quantities and valence states.微量元素的二重性是指元素在人体内量效范围、价态存在形式所表现出的有益或有害作用。

4.A valence is an embroidered rectangular piece placed above curtains. They were embroidered with fancywork to serve as a decoration.门帘眉是门帘上方的一块长方形刺绣品,绣有吉祥图案作为门的装饰品。

5.Theory of hybrid atomic orbital is part of modern valence bond theory and a difficult point in inorganic chemistry teaching.杂化轨道理论是现代价键理论的一部分,也是大学无机化学教学的一个难点。

6.When it is in this condition , the atom is said to be in a valence state .当它处于这种状态时,这个原子就可说是处于价态。

7.The element valence, crystalline phase, microstructure have been studied by means of XPS, XRD and SEM.压电陶瓷的元素价态,相组成以及显微结构。

8.Every element tends to satisfy both its primary and secondary valence.每一元素倾向于既满足它的主价又要满足它的副价。

9.Oxidation : A reaction in which the atoms in an element lose electrons and the valence of the element is correspondingly increased .氧化:一种某个元素的原子失去电子后它的原子价相应增加的反应。

10.and there was a Morrel who served In the same regIment wIth me when I was In garrIson at valence. '当我驻守在瓦朗斯的时候,我那个团里面有一个姓莫雷尔的人。