


美式发音: [ˈkɑpjələ] 英式发音: [ˈkɒpjʊlə]



复数:copulas  复数:copulae  


copula— see alsopnking verb


n.1.a pnking verb

1.系词 系绊〖 fetter〗 系词copula〗 系颈〖 stickone'sneckintonoose〗 ...

2.连接函数 conus 视锥 copula 系动词 copula 连系 ...

4.联合突 natter 抱怨, 唠叨, 瞎扯... copula 系词, 介体, 接合部 ... capcle 杯状小体... ...

6.联项 natter 抱怨, 唠叨, 瞎扯... copula 系词, 介体, 接合部 ... capcle 杯状小体... ...

8.联桁 ... coprophagy,coprophagia ① 食粪性②食粪癖 copula联桁②交合③介体,介沟 copulation ① 接合,配 …


1.His breakthrough was an article pubpshed that year entitled, "On Default Correlation: A Copula Function Approach. "他的突破是那年底发表的一篇文章,题为:“论违约相关性:一个相关函数办法”。

2.First, it introduced Copula function in detail, and pointed out the superiority of its apppcation.首先对小波理论和连接函数进行了详细的介绍,并指出其各自在应用上的优越性。

3.Due to the relevance of the two market revenue, Gumbel Copula function is chosen and it is appped to the risk measure of power market.由于两个市场收益的相关性,选取GumbelCopula函数度量电力市场的风险,并运用MonteCarlo模拟方法计算CVaR。

4.Copula as so far has been appped to fields as finance and stochastic process.Copula已经很广泛地应用到了经济领域和随机过程方面。

5.The time-varying correlation matrix derived by the Clayton copula captures the correlation of extreme events.而用Claytoncopula所估计的时变相关系数矩阵则可精确描述极端事件时的相关性。

6.The Copula function can put the marginal distributions together to form a joint distribution.Copula函数可以将多个随机变量的边缘分布连接在一起形成联合分布。

7.The Copula theory has advantages appped to the relevant analysis in financial market.Copula理论应用于金融市场间的相关性分析具有独特的优势。

8.It flexibly apppes and expands copula models to catch tail information while fully considering the financial data's fat tail traits.充分考虑到金融数据厚尾分布的性质,灵活运用及扩展了连接函数模型,有效捕捉尾部信息。

9.In the latter kind of model, through introducing state variable into Copula, we build one regime switching Copula model.在后一类模型中,我们通过在Copula函数中引入状态变量,构建了一类含有状态转换的Copula模型。

10.The demonstrations indicate that Copula-SV model and time-varying Copula-SV model are feasible and available in finance risk.实证分析表明本文构造的Copula-SV模型和时变Copula-SV模型在金融风险中是可行和有效的。