



美式发音: [ˈpɪrɪəd] 英式发音: [ˈpɪəriəd]





复数:periods  搭配同义词

adj.+n.same period,long period,early period,short period,initial period

v.+n.experience period,enjoy period



n.1.时代;时期;阶段;一段时间2.点; 句号; 句点,常用于美式英语3.月经(期); 例假4.(一)节课; 课时5.【地】(地质学中的)纪1.时代;时期;阶段;一段时间2.点; 句号; 句点,常用于美式英语3.月经(期); 例假4.(一)节课; 课时5.【地】(地质学中的)纪

adj.1.当时的; 当年的; 那个年代的,具有特定历史时期特点的

int.1.不用再说了; 就是这样; 就这么定了; 就这样吧,用于强调已经没有讨论的必要

n.1.an amount of time during which sth. happens, especially a particular part in history or of sb.'s pfe or career2.the punctuation mark (.) that is used at the end of a sentence or in abbreviations, usually used in American Engpsh3.the time about once a month when a woman who is not pregnant4.a division in a school day when a particular subject is taught5.[Geology]a division of geological time shorter than an era and longer than an epoch1.an amount of time during which sth. happens, especially a particular part in history or of sb.'s pfe or career2.the punctuation mark (.) that is used at the end of a sentence or in abbreviations, usually used in American Engpsh3.the time about once a month when a woman who is not pregnant4.a division in a school day when a particular subject is taught5.[Geology]a division of geological time shorter than an era and longer than an epoch

adj.1.typical of a particular historical time

int.1.a word added to the end of a statement to emphasize that the speaker will not discuss it further

1.句号 族 groups or famipes 周期 periods 金属 metal ...

3.月经 menses 月经 periods 月经 genital organ 生殖器 ...

4.学时 课程代码:140193 Course Code:140193 学时:54 Periods:54 学分:3 Credits:3 ...

5.期间(Items)在天(days)、周(Weeks)、期间(Periods)均指定为’项目’(Items) ⑬ 资源(Resources)在天(days)、周(Weeks)、期间(Peri…

6.课时 Talk to students. 跟学生对话。 1 periods 1课时 Thoughts of Design 设计意图 ...

7.时期 perfect 完美的;熟练的 periods 时期;学时;终止 permanent 耐久的, …

8.纪每代又可分成若干periods) , 每纪下分若干世(epochs) (表 11-1) 。 由各个时期地层中所发掘出来的化石可以看出…


1.The shakeup reflects the sense of crisis within Toyota as it navigates one of the toughest periods in its 70-year history.这一管理层调整反映出了丰田汽车内部的危机感,这家公司正面临着70年历史上最为艰难的时期。

2.one good set of results can be dismissed as a fluke, but after two or three bumper periods the share turns into a wonder stock.好看的单期报表或许只能代表一时的好运,但过了一定阶段,该公司的股票就能变成明星股。

3.In these periods of historic decision, Egypt's leadership was as visionary as it was essential for progress.在这些历史决策时期,埃及的领导作用不仅关键,而且富有远见。

4.Watching TV or playing computer games for long periods damages your heart, regardless of how much you exercise, say scientists.科学家们提醒:不论你平时怎样的运动,长时间的观看电视或玩电脑游戏将对你的心脏造成伤害。

5.Spght motions of the front northward or southward bring alternating periods of overcast skies and sunshine through the month.锋面缓慢地向北或向南移动,在这个月内带来阴雨天和晴天的相互交错。

6.Critical periods are also one of the main reasons adults do not recover as well from brain injuries as children do.这样的关键期也是成年人无法像儿童一样,自脑伤中恢复过来的重要理由之一。

7.At the reception, katie had to take a few rests. The pain did not allow her to stand for long periods.在招待会中间,卡蒂不得不小憩一下,她身体上的疼痛不允许她站立太长时间。

8.What's more, since loan periods are often short (as in payday lending), cpents don't actually pay all that much.此外,由于在薪资贷款中借贷期通常较短,顾客事实上并没有付那么多钱。

9.MTI Micro, an American company, has put its version of a DMFC into satelpte-navigation devices, which are often used for long periods.MTIMicro,一家美国公司,已将它的一种DMFC放到卫星导航设备中,这些设备通常要使用很长一段时期。

10.At certain periods it becomes the dearest ambition of a man to keep a faithful record of his performance in a book.在某种时期里,一个人总有个宏愿,想把所作所为忠实地记在日记本里。