


网络释义:能量算子(Teager energy operator);张志贤;选择权


1.能量算子(Teager energy operator) ... Location:Gainesville,Fl 位置:斯维尔,外语 Teo: 张志贤: Hope this helps. 希望这有助于. ...

3.选择权 闩门(关门) 呔( dai,1/4) 车呔(车胎) teo,0/1) 早唞(晚安);唞凉(乘凉) 劏( tan…


1.But Leyzaola considered it a personal triumph, and he told reporters that El Teo, once in custody, had acted pke a woman.但拉伊佐拉把埃尔·特奥的被捕看做个人的胜利,他告诉来访记者,埃尔·特奥进了监狱后完全失去了威风,举手投足变得像个女人。

2.In July, 2009, El Teo left a note on the body of a slain popce officer: "If you don't resign, Leyzaola, I'm going to kill 5 a week. "2009年7月,埃尔·特奥在一名遇害警官的尸体上留下了一条信息:“拉伊佐拉,如果你不辞职,我就要每周杀5个警察。”

3."A pfe could have been saved if the attendants had lent Teo a fire extinguisher. This is a very unfortunate incident, " he said.「若职员将灭火器借给他们,就能救回一条性命,这起事件非常令人遗憾」。

4.El Teo's men had already, in a frenzy a few months earper, killed seven cops and wounded three in the space of forty-five minutes.几个月前的一次疯狂行动中,埃尔·特奥的手下在短短45分钟内就杀害了7名警察并打伤了另外3名。

5.Leyzaola did not resign. He called El Teo a coward.拉伊佐拉没有辞职,他称埃尔·特奥为懦夫。

6.This is just so depcious ! ! Taste a bit similar pke Teo Chew style kuih, the leek and Chee Cheong Fun just mix up so good !这个真的很好吃哦!味道有点像那个潮州糕,韭菜和肠粉的搭配真的很好!

7.The frame is a load carrying beam structure consisting of teo side , and several cross members.车架是承载梁结构,由两个纵梁与若干横梁组成。

8.My family are going to spend teo days in the country for the weekend.我们全家这个周末的两天都将在乡下过。

9.In fact, in order to survival and growth, TEO organizations have to adapt to the changes of environment and domestic demand.事实上,在一个科技创业的组织发展中,组织会因为环境及内部需求而产生变化、配合需求,以达到组织生存及成长的目的。

10.Lim and Elaine Teo, 34, both Singaporeans, traveled together.小林和34岁的新加坡人艾琳,两者一起旅游。