



美式发音: [ˈstimər] 英式发音: [ˈstiːmə(r)]






n.1.a steamship2.a container used for cooking food with steam

1.蒸汽机 ... Stains 染色剂 Steamers 蒸汽机 Tools 工具 ...

2.轮船 ... 轮胎测定机 tire beat breaker 轮船 steamers 轮椅 wheelchair ...

3.海蚌第二次去时,我除了帮他们再次点了双龙虾外,又加点两大盘蒸煮的珠蚌(mussels)与海蚌steamers),让爱吃海鲜的小朋 …


1.when the steamers were put over the fire , the eels would move around trying to get out , and cut themselves open on the nails.当蒸笼在火上加热时,鳝鱼就在里面来回移动想跑掉,然后就在钉子上把自己给切开了。

2.Shipment must be effected in three equal lots by separate steamers with an interval of at least 30 days between shipments.必须完成装运三批均由单独的轮船间隔至少30天之间的运输。

3.Frigates and armed steamers crowded the nearby waters known as Hampton Roads, one of the world's great natural harbors.护卫舰和武装蒸汽船在叫做HamptonRoads的水域中聚集,这也是全球最好的天然港湾之一。

4.As direct steamers to your port are few and far between, in most cases, goods have to be transhipped from Hongkong.由于到你方港口的直达船稀少,在大多数情况下,货物必须在香港转运。

5."It makes one despise steamers! " said the other.“用不着轮船了!”另一个人随声附和说。

6.Its navy was antediluvian: mandarins tried to emulate Western paddle-steamers with junks propelled by coopes turning treadmills.它的海军落后西方:洋务官员提出纷纷效仿西方有帆的桨轮船的推动力由苦力变成了踏步机。

7.Chinese onpne retailer Jingdong Mall, which sells everything from shavers to steamers to smartphones, is not short on ambition.中国在线零售商京东商城出售从剃须刀、蒸锅到智能手机等所有商品,而且其并不缺乏雄心壮志。

8.These steamers are used for conveying passengers on rivers.这些轮船是在江上用以载客的。

9.Besides saving gas and electricity, quapfied steamers, ice makers, and dishwashers save a considerable amount of water dollars.除了节省煤气和电以外,经认证过的蒸汽机、制冰机、洗碗机,也可以节省一大笔水费。

10.as direct steamers to your port are few and far between , we have to ship via hongkong.由于到你港直达轮少,我们不得不在香港转船。