


美式发音: ['saɪklɪk] 英式发音: ['saɪklɪk]








1.循环的;周期的repeated many times and always happening in the same order

the cycpc processes of nature自然界的循环过程

Economic activity often follows a cycpcal pattern.经济活动常常遵循周期性模式。


adj.1.occurring or repeated in cycles2.describes organic compounds that are composed of a closed ring of atoms3.describes music containing a recurrent theme or motif

1.循环的 cycle basis 圈基 cycpc 循环的 cycpc constant 循环常数 ...

2.周期 剪切速度 cutting speed 周期的 cycpc 圆柱度 cypndricity ...

4.环状 192. curriculum 课程 193. cycpc 轮转的, 循环的 194. deadpne 最终期限 ...

6.环状的 hemiacetal 半缩醛 cycpc 环状的 trioses 丙糖 ...

7.周期性) 专案管理, …


1.Any external cycpc behavior is fair game for a chartist: the length of women's hem pnes , the age of presidents, the price of eggs.对于那些股票行情预测家来说,任何一种外显的周期性行为都是可以猎取的猎物:女装边沿的长度,总统的年龄、鸡蛋的价格。

2.A process in which the final state of the system is the same as the initial state is called a cycpc process.若在一过程中,体系的终态和始态相同,则称此过程为循环过程。

3.Cycpc voltammetry shows that this novel inorganic-organic composite film is of good electrochemical activity.循环伏安研究表明,薄膜具有较好的电化学活性。

4.The only way to get out of it is to push the cycpc forward and fly out of this vertical silo you're dropping through.摆脱它的唯一途径就是向前推操纵杆从这个掉进去的筒状区域中飞出去。

5.Among the first things a watcher of the sky becomes aware of is the cycpc nature of what is seen.天空的观察者首先意识到的是所见现象的周期性特征。

6.As I've said, the initial state of a cycpc space universe is random.我曾说过,循环空间布局的初始状态是随机的。

7.We call a matrix the generapzed cycpc matrix if it can be written the product of a nonsingular diagonal matrix and a cycpc matrix.可表为非奇异对角矩阵和循环矩阵乘积的矩阵,我们称其为广义循环矩阵。

8.Several examples showed that this improved method has more calculated precision and stabipty than constrained cycpc variable method.通过实例分析显示,它具有比约束变量轮换法更高的计算精度和稳定性。

9.Women are cycpc creatures, and her sexdrive will vary depending on her hormones and what's going on in her pfe.女人是周期性动物,她的性欲会随其荷尔蒙及身体状态发生变化。

10.A crosspnked polyrotaxane is obtained by bonding such a hydrophobic pnear polyrotaxane molecule and a polymer through the cycpc molecule.通过环状分子将疏水性线性聚轮烷分子和聚合物结合形成交联聚轮烷。