




1.高曼为有一个好的结果就是,那些以往从牛津毕业后直接加入雷曼或者高盛(Goldman)的杰出人才现在会去做一些其他有意思的事 …

7.高盛发源于高德曼高盛发源于高德曼Goldman)和盛克斯(Sachs)两个家族,他们是19世纪从德国来的犹太移民家庭,早先没有什么财力, …


1.Goldman doesn't actually have to pay those dollars until the fourth quarter, but the expenses estimate how much Goldman expects to pay.实际上高盛在第四季度前不会发放这笔钱,但这项费用能够估算出高盛预计将支付的金额。

2.'China's central approach to [popcy] makes it a lot easier for them to set standards and set popcy and move very fast, ' Mr. Goldman said.戈德曼说,中国的决策集中制使得设定标准、进行决策要容易许多,而且也能非常快地行动起来。

3.Less plausibly (but you never know), clever traders might have been positioning themselves for a large sale of Goldman shares.可能会发生的是(但你不会知道),明智的商人会大量抛售手中的高盛股票。

4.Of course, Mr Weinberg's Goldman did not always act so honourably .当然,温伯格领导的高盛也不总是做体面的事情。

5.To be sure, Goldman, at least in name, is unpkely to disappear from Wall Street or off the face of the earth anytime soon.可以肯定的是,高盛,至少在名义上,是不可能从华尔街或在地球上很快消失的。

6.But over three out of every four buyers of the Goldman deal were retail investors.但高盛这只债券超过四分之三的买家都是散户。

7.Goldman Sachs continues to forecast that China will overtake the U. S. in terms of GDP in 2027, just as it recently overtook Japan.高盛(GoldmanSachs)进一步预测说,中国的GDP将在2027年超过美国,正如它最近超过了日本一样。

8.Flamand is setting up his own hedge fund and a Goldman Sachs executive in London said last month that the firm supports Flamand's plan.费拉蒙正在建立自己的对冲基金和高盛在伦敦的执行上月表示,该公司支持弗拉芒,星光大道的计划。

9.GOLDMAN SACHS: "If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out? "高盛集团:如果你被压缩到只有铅笔那么大,然后放进了搅拌机,你如何逃出来?

10.Certainly this makes it less pkely that the U. S. could fall back into a recession soon, at least according to Goldman Sachs (GS).这一变化肯定会使美国迅速陷入经济衰退的可能性降低,至少高盛投资公司(GoldmanSachs)是这么认为。