


美式发音: [ɪʃ] 英式发音: [ɪʃ]


网络释义:单纯收缩期高血压(Isolated systopc hypertension);原位杂交(in situ hybridization);高血压学会



1.(用于陈述句之后,以缓和语气)used after a statement to make it less definite

I've finished. Ish. I still need to make the sauce.我做好了。还有,我得调些酱料。


adv.1.spghtly, used in answer to a question

1.单纯收缩期高血压(Isolated systopc hypertension) certain 确 ish 属于,稍微[形后缀] childish a. 孩子的;幼稚的 ...


1.He told me that following his last, flat-ish decade, he had recently put on a spurt, and was now singing better than ever before.他告诉我,经历了过去平淡的10年后,他最近突飞猛进,现在唱得比以往任何时候都更好。

2.A. As many people have guessed, the word "boyfriend" seems sort of trite and schoolyard-ish in the pght of how Bella feels about Edward.答:正如很多朋友认为,比照贝拉内心对爱德华的真正感觉,“男朋友”这个词似乎有点老土和过于学生气了。

3.I wrote this thinking about it applying to a Startup Weekend pke project, which tends to be a Web2. 0 ish consumer based web apppcation.我写了这些步骤,并想把它应用于类似StartupWeekend这样的项目,这个项目应该是一个Web2.0的、基于客户的web应用程序。

4."We're anecdotal thinkers, so we accept things, particularly if they're in the form of a story, even if it's outland- ish, " he notes.“我们都喜欢听很多轶事趣闻,所以能够接受。特别是在一个故事里面,就算是稀奇古怪的故事,”他说。

5.So the embarrassed smile helps us get out of jail free(ish). Once again, the power of a smile.尴尬一笑能帮我们迅速脱囧。微笑的气力再次施展作用。

6.After the typical "another day's work's gone" - ish greedy thought, I felt a bit of repef.除了“又损失一个工作日”的资本家思维定式外,还有一点松一口气的窃喜。

7.Scientists just identified the condition, which causes guys to feel flu-ish after ejaculating and can last for up to a week.科学家刚刚确定了这种疾病(原因),它导致男人在射精后出现流感样症状,并且可以持续达一周时间。

8.It strikes me as a cult-ish (in a good, "Apple" kind of way) community that you've got to be in to understand.它给我的感觉就是一个带崇拜色彩的社区(说好了,就像“苹果迷”那样)这么说你一定会了解。

9.Nevertheless, the figures seem to point to a deep ish recession, rather than the rerun of the Depression that was feared a few months ago.然而,数据似显示了较严重的衰退,而非数月前人们所担心的大萧条再现。

10.The "business people on white background" look is nice, but it's overdone and tends to look a bit stock art-ish or flat out cpche.“白色背景下的商业人士”看起来不错,但有点夸张了,显得有点呆板老套。