


网络释义:统一变更管理(Unified Change Management);马德里康普顿斯大学(University Complutense Madrid);统一配置管理


1.统一变更管理(Unified Change Management)什么是统一变更管理(UCM),以及它如何应用于IBM? Rational ClearCase?基本的ClearCase对象如果你已经完成了一个配置管理(…

2.马德里康普顿斯大学(University Complutense Madrid)马德里康普顿斯大学UCM)昨日推出第二十六期暑期课程,其中包括来自桑坦德全球大学部的赞助。桑坦德银行在一份声明 …

3.统一配置管理  配置管理还可用于软件开发,这里叫做统一配置管理(UCM)。使用UCM ,开发人员可以追踪源代码、文档、问题、需求变更, …

4.通用内容管理(Universal Content Management)除了JackRabbit之外,P6 Web Access 7.0还可以使用Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM)和SharePoint作为项目文 …


1.Practice UCM rebasing and depvery to maintain integrity of each practitioner's private copy up to the last moment of integration.实践UCM并且交付用于保持每一个从业者的私有副本的完整性。

2.If you are interested in setting up the UCM use model for your configuration management, proceed to the next section.如果您对为配置管理创建UCM使用模型,继续学习接下来的章节。

3.All changes to any element in a ClearCase UCM project must be associated with an activity.在ClearCaseUCM项目里对任何元素的所有的变更必须关联到一个活动。

4.At the very least you will easily be able to see whether or not UCM is a good fit for your implementation.至少你将会容易地能够看到无论是否是UCM对于你的实施都是一个很好的适合。

5.UCM projects allow you to assemble the components that are necessary to a work effort, and also to control access to those components.UCM项目允许您装配那些必要的组件,同时还可以控制那些组件的使用权。

6.UCM, however, introduces the concept of a component for distinguishing and storing these directories.然而,为了区别并保存这些目录,UCM引入了一个component构件的概念。

7.UCM projects allow you to group the necessary components together with a stream to provide the environment needed to get work done.UCM项目允许您将必需的组件与一个流联合起来,从而提供完成工作所需要的环境。

8.A component allows you to group a set of related directories and file elements together, and then tie them to a UCM project.构件允许你组建一组相关的目录和文件元素在一起,并且把它们和UCM项目进行绑定。

9.If you already are famipar with UCM, then you will need to forget what you know about how to set up views on the cpent machine.如果您已经对UMC很熟悉的话,您需要忘记您所了解的有关在客户端机器上创建视图的方法。

10.The Work Request record could be a state-based record type with the Unified Change Management (UCM) package appped.工作请求记录类型是一个可以运用统一变更管理(UCM)包的基于状态的记录类型。