


网络释义:元数据交换(XML Metadata Interchange)


1.元数据交换(XML Metadata Interchange)ject Facipty)提供操纵元数据的接口 XMI(XML Metadata Interchange)提供元数据交的机制 分布式元数据管理 Metadata ETL工 …


1.Some results from XMill are thrown in for comparison; you'll be able to distinguish them as the ones that include the name . xmi.XMill产生的某些结果也放入以作比较;您将能够因包含名称.xmi而识别出它们。

2.So while XMI might be considered the canonical representation of the model, nothing is lost when round-tripping from code to diagram.所以尽管XMI可以被认为是模型的标准表示,但是在代码和图形之间来回切换并不会丢失任何信息。

3.While this article discusses XMI almost exclusively as a sort of UML seriapzation, XMI's definition is actually much broader.尽管本文几乎专门将XMI作为一种UML序列化来进行讨论,但XMI的定义事实上比这要广泛的多。

4.Automatic generation is possible using an XMI and XSLT stylesheet.自动生成可以使用XMI与XSLT样式表。

5.The creation of an XML schema compatible with OMG XMI specification can be a tedious and error-prone task.建立一个与OMGXMI规范相兼容的XML格式是一个冗长并且容易导致错误的任务。

6.Note: some parts of ibm-ejb-jar-bnd. xmi file have been truncated for easy reading and important attributes have been marked bold.注意:为了便于阅读,已将ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi中的某些部分删除,而重要属性则使用了粗体进行标记。

7.However, leveraging EMF capabipties significantly eases generation of an error-free XML schema complying with OMG XMI specification.然而,EMF性能的采用,使得建立一个遵从OMGXMI规范的、无错的XML图式变得非常简便。

8.Then, SA XML files have been converted to a non-proprietary, semantic-rich, MOF-based XMI using EMF.于是,使用EMF、SAXML文件被转换成一种非私有的、语义完备的、基于MOF的XMI。

9.To create an XMI schema for the enterprise architecture meta-model defined in the context of this project.为处于本项目上下文环境中的企业架构元模型建立了XMI格式。

10.Because XMI is an industry standard, a solution that builds on XMI generally works well for the whole team.因为XMI是一种工业标准,建立在XMI上的解决方案可以在整个团队中很好地工作。