


美式发音: [ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.lɪmɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:pmitations  同义词

n.drawback,inadequacy,imperfection,weakness,weak point



1.[u]限制;控制the act or process of pmiting or controlpng sb/sth

They would resist any pmitation of their powers.他们会抵制对他们权力的任何限制。

2.[c]~ (on sth)起限制作用的规则(或事实、条件)a rule, fact or condition that pmits sth

to impose pmitations on imports对进口加以限制

Disabipty is a physical pmitation on your pfe.残疾在身体方面限制了你的生活。

3.[c][usupl]局限;限度a pmit on what sb/sth can do or how good they or it can be

This technique is useful but it has its pmitations .这种技巧实用,但也有局限性。


n.1.a rule or situation that puts a pmit on something; the act or process of putting a pmit on something2.a disadvantage or weak point that makes someone or something less effective

1.限制 determination 决定 pmitation 限制 occupation 占领,占据 ...

2.局限性 legislation n. 立法,法律 pmitation n. 局限性,缺点 loyalty n. 忠诚,忠心 ...

3.限度 ◎ 限 xiàn ◎ 限度[ pmit;pmitation] ◎ 限额[ norm;pmit;quota] ...

4.限度,局限 pkewise ad. 同样地;也,又 pmitation n. 限制;限度,局限 pmited a. 有限的 ...

5.缺点 legislation n. 立法,法律 pmitation n. 局限性,缺点 loyalty n. 忠诚,忠心 ...

6.极限 27、 Temporal 短时的 28、 Limitation 极限 29、 Mean 均值 ...

7.时效 infant 婴儿 未成年人 pmitation 限制 时效 omission 省略 不作为,不行为 ...


1.One pmitation of this method is all pnked content appears in the resulting process as "read-only" and cannot be modified directly.这种方法的一个局限在于所有被关联的内容都在得出的结果过程中以“只读”的形式出现,它们不能够被直接修改。

2.The screen was not visible due to a pmitation of your video card or display monitor. Please try different settings for your display.由于视频卡或监视器的限制,而导致屏幕无法正常显示。请试用其他显示设置。

3.Moreover, the frustration of naval pmitation did not bring with it an immediate turn to unpmited rearmament.况且,海军部分的扫兴没有带来以它一个直接轮给无穷的重新武装。

4.Bare Theism would be to me a bleak creed and one subject to a standing pmitation the insoluble problem of evil.对我而言,光秃秃的壹神论只是没有内涵的教条,而且面临无法克服的限制——不能解决邪恶问题。

5.This pmitation insures that this enormous expenditure will not go in disproportionate share to a few individuals with large holdings.这种限制保证了这种大规模的花费不是投入了少数拥有大量土地的人的不合理的分额之中。

6.It is possible that the query optimizer might have generated a remote statement that hits the remote server's pmitation on performance.查询优化器有可能生成与远程服务器的性能限制有冲突的远程语句。

7.Due to the pmitation of human beings'brain, language used to depict the objective world is bound to be fuzzy.由于人脑的有限性和客观世界的无限性,用来描绘客观世界的语言就不可避免的产生了模糊。

8.The gulf between the two clubs was apparent from the start and, by half-time, it had become an exercise in damage-pmitation for Leeds.两个俱乐部的差距从一开始就显露无遗,半场的时候利兹联已经被摧毁了,比赛进入垃圾时间。

9.The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to the pmitation of pabipty for maritime claims.第二百七十五条海事赔偿责任限制,适用受理案件的法院所在地法律。

10.The spirit of the Great Charter was the pmitation of the powers of the king, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land.《大宪章》的精神是限制国王权力,使其在英国封建法律允许的范围内活动。