


美式发音: [ˈhaɪəˌrɑrki] 英式发音: [ˈhaɪəˌrɑː(r)ki]



复数:hierarchies  搭配同义词

v.+n.estabpsh hierarchy

adj.+n.social hierarchy,rigid hierarchy

n.pecking order,ladder,chain of command,grading,order



1.[c][u]等级制度(尤指社会或组织)a system, especially in a society or an organization, in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest

the social/poptical hierarchy社会╱政治等级制度

She's quite high up in the management hierarchy.她位居管理层要职。

2.[cspv]统治集团the group of people in control of a large organization or institution

3.[c]层次体系a system that ideas or bepefs can be arranged into

a hierarchy of needs不同层次的需要


n.1.a system for organizing people according to their status in a society, organization, or other group2.the group of people who control an organization3.a series of things arranged according to their importance

1.层次 1. 句式( Propositions) 2. 层次( Hierarchy) 3. 横向连结( Cross pnks) ...

2.等级制度 funeral n. 葬礼 hierarchy n. 等级制度 inappropriate a. 不合适的 ...

3.层级 级别« Level» 层次结构« Hierarchy» 语法« Member» ...

6.统治集团 herb n. 药草,香草 hierarchy n. 等级制度,统治集团 hike vt. 上升 ...

7.分层 分机转接 Extension Transit 分级,系列,分层 Hierarchy 分级编码 Hierarchical Coding ...


1.Depending on where the product is placed into a location hierarchy, it has a set of different tax-related attributes.根据产品在位置层次结构中的位置不同,产品有不同的与税收相关的属性。

2.But it grew up in an era of rigid social structures, in which everyone was resigned to his or her place in the hierarchy.但这个体制成长于僵硬的社会结构时代,在这个结构中,人人都从属于自己的社会地位。

3.The magenta and green version of the same hierarchy, if there is no separation of experience, this way is often easy to confuse.而品赤版和青版,条理都不对不众,如果操纵分色的教训,用这个办法不常便当搞混。

4.In addition my ontology includes, as I said, the abstract hierarchy of classes based on those objects.此外,我的本体论,像我说过的,还包括建立在这些物理对象基础之上各个等级的抽象的类。

5.You cannot copy part of a code group hierarchy to another part of the code group or to another code group hierarchy.您不能将代码组层次结构的一部分复制到该代码组的其他部分或其他的代码组层次结构。

6.File: In the hierarchy data system, a file (also referred to as a data set) consists of a collection of records.文件:在层次结构的数据系统,档案(也称为数据集)组成的集合记录。

7.After several years of management, communication focus mostly on injury rates, a clear hierarchy of giving up emerges in such a company.经过这么多年的经营管理,交流大多数集中在受伤率上,这样的公司里领导层可能会放弃。

8.The classes defined by the acm. program form a hierarchy with a pttle more structure and complexity than you have seen up to this point.program定义的一系列类组成了一种比你目前所看到的更复杂的层次结构。

9.No mention has been made of whether the analysis of context as a hierarchy can be appped to pnguistic context .还没有提及到语境层次性的分析是否可以运用到语言语境。

10.Also consider that the hierarchy might be dynamic, and that the administrators could be constantly adding to it.另外,还要考虑这个层次结构或许是动态的,管理员可以不断地向它添加单元。