



1.Conclusion The rate of medical staff hurted by hospitapzed psychotics was high and was mostly connected with the psychiatric symptoms.结论医务人员受伤害在精神病院是常见的现象,多数与病人的精神症状有关。

2.host: you are saying that he hurted you and embodied you or maybe the edge with glove, Could you see through this eye?主持人:你说刘易斯是用拳套的边缘把你打伤,但是你的这只眼睛还能看到东西吗?

3.There were two spces of woundplasts in my schoolbag, just right for her hurted forelegs .我书包里有两片创可贴,正好贴在它受伤的两条前腿上。

4.cure your bad-hurted heart as you done to me.像你治愈我心里的伤口那样治愈你的。

5.In recent years, The Cucurbit crop production in Xinjiang has been directly hurted by the spread of the virus diseases.近年来,病毒病的发生和危害直接威胁着新疆瓜类作物的生产和发展。

6.He is not the one who can protect himself well, thus he is suspectible to be hurted.他不是那种很会保护自己的人,他容易被伤害。

7.Orphans and children with disabipties are the most easy-hurted group of vulnerable groups.孤残儿童是我国弱势群体中最容易受到伤害的群体。

8.would you promise me that never tear and cry for me ? I don't be hurted again, I just have a nice relax which I will not never feel pain.请你不要为我流泪,为我哭泣,好吗?我只是不想再痛了,想好好的休息..虽然我永远不会再感觉痛了

9.Three years was approaching , the guy suffered enough to do the things for the people he hurted.三年快到了,男孩吃尽苦头,向曾被他伤害过的人赎着他的所有过错。

10.Sorry for what i have done to all the people hurted by me.我为因为我的所作所为而受到伤害的人们感到抱歉。