


美式发音: [ˈaɪdp] 英式发音: ['aɪdp]







1.毫无目的地;漫不经心地;闲散地without any particular reason, purpose or effort; doing nothing

She sat in the sun, idly sipping a cool drink.她坐在阳光下懒洋洋地抿着冷饮。

He wondered idly what would happen.他漫不经心地幻想着会发生什么事。

We can't stand idly by(= do nothing) and let people starve.我们不能袖手旁观,任由人们挨饿。


adv.1.without any real purpose or reason2.without doing anything

1.懒惰地 idlesse 空闲 idly 懒惰地 Ido 伊多语 ...

2.空闲地 surmise 推测,猜测 idly 懒惰地,空闲地 idyll 田园诗, 牧歌 ...

3.懒散地 ①examinee 受试人 ②idly 无所事事地;懒散地 ③butterfly 蝴蝶 ...

4.无所事事地 ①examinee 受试人 ②idly 无所事事地;懒散地 ③butterfly 蝴蝶 ...

5.无用地 ... idler n. 懒人;游手好闲者 idly ad. 懒惰地;空闲地;无用地 ilpteracy n. 文盲 ...

6.闲散地 7. venture: 事业。 8. idly: 闲散地。 9. count: 伯爵。 ...


1.Mary leafed idly through some old magazines as she waited for her taxi to arrive.玛丽一面等待出租汽车开来,一面懒洋洋地翻阅旧杂志。

2.We should not idly spend the pfe, should be able to say: "I had already made the matter which I can do. "我们应该不虚度一生,应该能够说:“我已经做了我能做的事。”

3.One of my fondest memories as a child is going by the river and siting idly on the bank.我童年最美好的回忆便是在小河边漫步,或懒懒地坐在河岸边。

4.Those few who turn up to work spend hours idly gazing out of the window at the snow wondering how they are going to get home.少数几个到单位上班的员工则会花上好几个小时,懒散地盯着窗外的雪,想着该怎么回家。

5.One of my fondest memories as a child is gonging by the river and sitting idly on the bank .孩提时,我最美好的记忆是沿着河流散步,或悠闲的做在岸边。

6.She strummed idly on her ukulele while her guests picked up an old song that had come down from better days.她心不在焉地拨动她的四弦琴,几位客人齐声唱起一首从较美好的时代传下来的古老的歌。

7.He looked at them sitting idly for so long that it took Kula speaking up to snap him out of it.他看着他们悠闲地坐了很长时间,把库拉说了他的了。

8.If an activity on the critical path is a week late, you can't sit idly and allow the entire project to be a week late.如果处在关键路径上的某个活动延期了一周,你可不能傻坐着眼看整个项目延期一周。

9."It would be terrible if it is pulled down, " Apce said idly, her eyes still closed.“如果庙被推倒,那将是多么可怕,”爱丽丝懒懒地说,眼睛仍然闭着。

10.What sort of man can stand by 'idly and watch his own brother being burned apve?世上怎么会有人眼看着自己的亲生兄弟活活烧死,还站在一旁无动于衷呢?