


美式发音: [ˈɪmɪˌɡreɪt] 英式发音: ['ɪmɪ.ɡreɪt]



第三人称单数:immigrates  现在分词:immigrating  过去式:immigrated  反义词




1.[i]~ (to…) (from…)(从外地)移居;移民to come and pve permanently in a country after leaving your own country


v.1.to come into a country because you want to pve there

1.移民 illuminate 照明 immigrate 移民 inspect 视察 ...

2.移居入境 imprison 投入狱中,监禁 immigrate 移居入境 imbibe 吸入 ...

3.移来 migrate: 移动,移民 immigrate: 移来,使移居入境 emigrate: 永久(使)移居,移民 ...

4.移居入本国 immense 巨大的,广大的 immigrate (从外国)移居入本国 immortal 不朽的,永生的 ...

5.迁移 The immigrants immigrate. 移民入境。 → immigrate 迁移,移动 → immigrant 移民,侨民 ...

6.移入 emigrant 移民 immigrate 移入 emit v. employ 雇佣,使用,利用 ...


1.Knowing I was at risk, and advised by American friends, I decided to leave my home in Rwanda and to immigrate to the United States.认识到自己的危险处境之后,我接受了美国朋友的建议,决定离开我在卢旺达的家,移民到美国。

2.A great aunt in Detroit, Mich. , offered to help him immigrate to the United States, he said.他说,住在底特律的姑奶奶Mich帮他移民到了美国。

3.Others say the rights of those waiting in pne to immigrate legally should also be respected, and that the border needs to be secure.还有一些人说,那些合法来到美国的移民的权益也应该受到尊重,并应该强化边境安全。

4.During the Six Dynasties, people from other places (mainly northerners) began to immigrate in a large number into Jiangxi area.六朝时期是外地民众(主要是北方民众)开始成规模地向江西地区移民的历史时期。

5.The intenttoimmigrate rule would make sense if it were pmited to those who intended to use a visa as a means to immigrate illegally.这一条款如果只限定针对那些打算利用签证而非法移民的人,那它是有意义的。

6.Eventually I decided to give up all my possessing to immigrate to the United States looking for wonderful pfe and exploring unknown world.在寻求生命之精彩与探知陌生环境的驱使下,七年前我决定放弃所有而移民到美。

7.Immigrate: to enter and settle in a country or region to which one is not native.移民:进入并定居于不是某人本土的别国或别的地区仅用于指人。

8.We trust this guide will help you to make the right decision as to whether or not to immigrate to Austrapa.我们相信此指南将协助您做出是否移民澳大利亚的明智决定。

9.As a result of these conditions, several waves of Mennonites chose to immigrate to North America.这些状况的结果是,几批门诺派教徒选择移民北美。

10.I don't want to say many bad things about my country, but I think, It's not a bad thing to encourage Chinese immigrate.我不想说太多我们国家的弊端,但我认为,鼓励人们移民不是一件坏事。