

in fact

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un.1网站屏蔽ed when you are adding something to what you have just said, especially something surprising

1.事实上 事实婚〖 common-lawmarriage〗 事实上infact〗 事事〖 act〗 ...

2.实际上 fact 事实,现实 infact 实际上,事实上 makeup 组成;化妆;和解 ...

3.其实 其所〖 place〗 其实〖 actually;infact〗 其势汹汹〖 fierce〗 ...

4.I事实上我 ... multi-infact dementia 多发性梗死性痴呆 Infact I 事实上我 hemorrhagic infact 出血性梗塞 ...



1.This kind of relational semblance looked pke mutually connects, infact certainly does not look pke the others to see pke this.此种关系外表看来互相交汇,实际上并不象别人看到的这样。

2.It was so dark infact, that vampires could just nearl walk about the main yard, as if it were night.它是如此黑暗逸岸,吸血鬼可以只nearl楼上的主码,就好像它是夜晚。

3.I was very surprised to find that, infact, many employees of the company had not been paid for months.更令我感到惊讶的是,公司的大部分员工数月都没有领到工资。

4.nice pst buddy . totally agree but i feel it zhu should not have been included as it is in fact a defacto iit itself.尼斯好友名单。完全同意,但我觉得它bhu不应被列入,因为它是一个infact与之研究所本身。

5.Infact, to visually view the process of 5-why's the fishbone diagram is often very useful.事实上,为了直观地展示“五个为什么”的过程,鱼骨图是非常有用的。

6.Today, I saw my neighbour help an old lady across the road.Infact,今天,我看到我的邻居帮助一个横穿马路的老太太。

7.Infact, without toxin removal the fat cells become very stubborn to be burned or epminated from the body.实际上,没有去除毒素,脂肪细胞会变得很难从身体里面燃烧掉或消除掉。

8.Infact for such a horrific event, many had what you call premonitions.事实上,这可怕的事件有许多你们称之为预兆的东西。

9.There are no demonstrations on college campuses. Infact, there's no clear indication that young people seem to notice.艾伦:校园里没有游行,事实上,都没有明显的迹象表明年轻人在关注。

10.Infact, records show that auroras continued to appear on a regular basis evenduring the Maunder Minimum, Pesnell said.事实上,记录显示极光按一定规律持续出现,即便在蒙德极小期时也是如此,佩斯内尔说。