


美式发音: [ˈdilərˌʃɪp] 英式发音: [ˈdiːlə(r)ʃɪp]



复数:dealerships  同义词




1.专项商品(尤指汽车)经销店;专项商品经销a business that buys and sells products, especially cars, for a particular company; the position of being a dealer who can buy and sell sth

a Ford dealership福特汽车经销店


n.1.a business that sells the products of a particular company, especially cars

1.代理权 saturn n. [天]土星, 土星火箭, [商]杀草丹 dealership n. 代理权, 经销权 rides v. 骑, 乘n.骑, 乘 ...

2.经销权 saturn n. [天]土星, 土星火箭, [商]杀草丹 dealership n. 代理权, 经销权 rides v. 骑, 乘n.骑, 乘 ...

3.经销商 deal n. 交易 dealership n. 经销商 property n. 财产 ...

4.代理商 agency 代理,中介 dealership 代理权,代理商 moped 机动脚踏两用车 ...

5.商品特许经销商 ... put on: 戴上 dealership: 商品特许经销商 take your breath away: 使大吃一惊 ...

6.经销代理 • 商业展会与活动[ Event / Rental] 经销代理( dealership) 国际化( internationapsation) ...

7.经销店 Auto industry 汽车行业 72. Dealership 代理商 经销店 73. Automaker 汽车制造商 74. ...

8.承销店 ... 便利店 convenience store 承销店 dealership 代销店 agency;commission shop;outlet ...


1.Hey, President Obama has found a way to quickly close Guantanamo Bay. He's going to turn it into a Pontiac dealership.嘿,奥巴马总统找到了一个方法可以快速关闭关塔那摩基地了,他要把它变成庞蒂亚克的经销地。

2.The dealership is starting a promotional campaign, whereby it is trying to push a two-year extended warranty to its past customers.这个经销店正在启动一个推销计划,试图向其老客户推销两年延保。

3.It's the manager's job to help structure the deals to earn the most profit for the dealership, or to move stagnant inventory quickly.经理的工作,就是协助组织谈判,为经销商挣得最大利润,或者尽快推出滞销库存。

4.After scoring the plate at the Saturday auction, Ms. Leung said she was on her way to a nearby car dealership to pick out her new car.RickiLeung在1月底的一次拍卖会上赢得这副车牌之后说,她正要去附近的车行挑选自己的新车。

5.When it refused and offered extended warranties instead, he parked one of his BMWs in front of the dealership and smashed it with a brick.在宝马拒绝了他的要求,只是提供延长保修期限的补偿后,他将自己的一辆宝马车停在经销商门前,然后用砖块狠狠砸碎了汽车。

6.He sold the Buick dealership and moved us to a four hundred-acre farm out on Wildcat Road a few miles west of the city.他卖掉了别克车行,带着我们一起搬到了城西几英里处威得凯特公路边一个占地400英亩的农场。

7.A new car depreciates significantly the moment you drive it out the dealership.当你一把新车开出经销商处,它就折价了。

8.Sort of. There are computer models and a few prototypes, but it's not pke you can buy one at a car dealership.某种意义上的。现在还只是电脑模型和雏形,但在商店里还买不到。

9.Shaub is counting down the last days of the Maryland car dealership founded by his grandfather on his return from the second world war.他们家族在马里兰州的代理经销店还是肖博的祖父自二战退役返乡后挣下的家业,如今已来日无多。

10.The Dearborn , Michigan, automaker is still trying to reduce its dealership count - just at a lower rate than GM and Chrysler.在密歇根州迪尔伯恩,汽车制造商也一直在努力减少其经销商伯爵-刚刚低于通用汽车和克莱斯勒。