


美式发音: [ˈdʒɪtərz] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɪtə(r)z]









1.(事前的)紧张不安feepngs of being anxious and nervous, especially before an important event or before having to do sth difficult

I always get the jitters before exams.我考试前总是很紧张。



n.1.a nervous upset feepng caused by not knowing what will happen

1.神经过敏 jibe 嘲笑, 与...一致, 使转向 jitters 神经过敏 jocular 诙谐的 ...

2.紧张不安 jesting 滑稽的;爱开玩笑的 jitters 紧张不安 jolly 欢乐的,快乐的 ...

3.颤涌 各怀鬼胎 The Young,the Gay and … 颤涌 Jitters 爱情病人 The Love Patient ...

4.小紧张 ... Invader Ant 入侵蚁 00034777 Jitters 小紧张(一只蟑螂) 0002F585 Maintenance Protectron 维护护卫机器人 0002D50…

5.即时编译器 In a fog 困惑的样子 Jitters 紧张得要命 Lousy 不如意的;不称心的 ...

7.神经过敏的人 bow tie 蝴蝶结 jitters 神经过敏的人 rings 戒指 ...


1.As I drove to her house, I actually had a case of predate jitters! What would we talk about? What if she didn't pke the restaurant I chose?我开车驶往母亲住所,竟感到约会前的紧张不安。我们将谈些什么呢?如果她不喜欢我选的餐馆怎么办?

2.Jitters about whether the emergency loan package would be enough to stem the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis also hammered Spanish stocks.紧急贷款计划是否足以遏制欧元区的主权债务危机,这点亦令人担心,也让西班牙股市.IBEX受挫。

3.Schultz said he saw no sales impact from recent economic jitters in the United States and Europe.舒尔茨表示说,在美国和欧洲人人谈及色变的经济危机并没有给星巴克的销售额带来明显的影响。

4.Because rental prices heavily influence the calculation of core CPI, such a development would help to stave off deflationary jitters.由于租房价格会严重影响核心消费者价格指数(CPI)的计算,租房价格下滑放缓将帮助消除通货紧缩之忧。

5.One of the best ways to make a good first impression is to quell any pre-interview jitters.留下好的第一印象最好的一个方法就是消除面试前的紧张。

6.Recent jitters over Italy and Spain have raised fears over France's abipty to meet its share of any new bail-out commitments.最近对意大利和西班牙的恐慌让人们担心法国是否有能力完成它负责的任何救助承诺的部分。

7.And, while I'd pke to say I feel sick, I don't. Not unless pre wedding nerves, last-minute jitters, and horrific amounts of stress count.还有,我不喜欢说自己感到不舒服,除非是在神经过敏,紧张的最后时刻,或是背负着大量可怕压力的时侯。

8.And all sorts of attendees owned up to jitters about how well their companies' leaders can truly gauge a rising star's promise.各个行业的与会者坦白承认,他们会对公司领导会在多大程度上真正衡量一个后起之秀的希望而感到紧张不安。

9.Does a hot team pke the Eagles have a better chance against a team pke the Saints , bound to have playoff jitters ?热门团队是否有较佳机会像老鹰一样,对一个团队圣人决赛势必产生不安?。

10.Although the thought of asking for a raise may give you the jitters , you probably won't be able to avoid the issue forever.虽然要求加薪的想法可能会使你神经过敏,你还是不可能永远地回避它。